For Bashers, By Bashers!

RC Rally Car Shootout

BigSquidRC_Rally_Car_ Shootout 2

As you know by now, we love doing shootouts. When so many different companies released rally cars all around the same time, it seemed only natural that we put them all to the test.

We take pride in being the only place that will put different manufacturers head to head to try and determine a winner. As we have seen, this can always be a very difficult task, and just because we have a winner on paper, based on our numbers and testing, it may not be the winner for you. Some people may base a big part of their buying decision on price, or durability, and not worry about getting parts, or how easy it was to use out of the box. We do our best to provide as much data as possible to help you make the right decision for a vehicle that fits your needs.

The vehicles that took part in our Rally Car Shootout are:

Traxxas Rally

DRX VE Kyosho Demon

HPI Ken Block WR8

Thunder Tiger ER4 G3 BL Mini Cooper Countryman

Clicking the above links will take you directly to the manufacturers webpage for that vehicle, so if you are looking for more details, or something we didn’t cover you can head over to their page.

Now before we get the emails about different scales, we will say this, both the largest (Thunder Tiger) and the smallest (Ken Block) vehicles both claim to be 1/8th scale. The Traxxas (2nd largest) claims 1/10th and the Kyosho is listed as 1/9th. It’s not our fault the manufacturers can’t all use the same tape measure.

Each part can be treated as a mini review of these vehicles. There are a lot of pages here to read through, but we picked what details we felt were the most important to our readers.

We broke up each important test into the pages below. Don’t just skip to the results, there is a LOT of great information here for you to read.

Top Speed – How fast is fast enough?

Pavement Driving – How does each vehicle handle on the street?

Loose Surface Driving – What if we want to do some off-road?

Jumping – Everyone wants to catch some air!

Durability – Which vehicle can take a beating?

Ease of Use – How easy is it to set up and use the vehicles?

Parts Availability – If it breaks, can I get parts easily?

Price – On a budget? What are the prices of these rally cars?

Looks – Sometimes it’s all about the look.

Features – Does it come with everything you want in a RC Rally Car?

Final Results – Don’t just click here and read who won. This is linked here for when you come back at a later date and want to re-check something.

So those are the categories we decided were most important. Time to start reading, lets go to TOP SPEED!
