The stand comes unassembled in a nice little bag that can be used to store your stand later if you decide you don't want it sitting out and about. The assembly time was pretty short, and everything went together very easily.
Once I got it put together, I had one of those moments where you take a step back and say 'Whoa, this looks like fun!' I then sat there for a few minutes and just played with the thing. It's eXtremly (get it?) adjustable! Not only do the arms adjust to hold any body and configuration, but the main arm connecting the base can be adjusted to hold the body at any angle you might need.
I have used it to paint a few bodies with, and can honestly say it's pretty dang useful. It's like having a third arm and hand (who doesn't want that?) to hold the body just like you want. It's got rubber tips that do an awesome job of holding the body, and I didn't have it slip once. Each of the little arms can be tightened into position if needed, but the bodies are so light, I never really found myself having to tighten them down.
All the arms are connected using steel rods, so you can be sure it's not going to bend or break during use. You can see from the pictures, if your not careful you can get some paint on the arms pretty easily. This isn't a big deal, but I do recommend you try to keep it clean so the rubber arms can do their job of keeping the body secure within their grasp.
Time to Bash |
9/10 Quick! Take it out of the bag, clear off a space on the table and put it together. Good instructions. |
Workability |
10/10 Great! It's amazingly adjustable!
Car Show Rating |
9/10 It’s not shiny, but it looks cool, and you can use it to show off your work. |
Bash-A-Bility |
10/10 It’s durable! Made of steel, rubber, and plastic. There isn't much you can do to it to mess it up.
Big Squid Rating |
9.7/10 Tentacles. It’s a big help, and if your a painter, it's a must have!