For Bashers, By Bashers!

Arcade RC Racing Video!

Our Italian friends from posted some info on the video below. It’s from 4 guys who brought two of my favorite things together in one, arcade games and RC! They mounted a camera to a 1/28th scale (looks like a Kyosho Overland) and built a cardboard track to run on. Then using the arcade cabinet controls, race around the track. I have seen this done by a company here in the US that was doing ‘Nascar’ type races, but I don’t think it caught on.

It’s a cool vid though, and it makes me want to build a similar setup here in the office! I’m sure Bill and Cubby would want to add a loop and more jumps! LOL. You can read the full version in Italian with a few more pictures here.

Post Info

Posted by in HobbyMedia, video on Thursday, August 5th, 2010 at 11:44 pm

