ASK Cubby – Another Week Dodging Your Questions
“RC bodies
Hey Cubby,
Are there any companies that make custom lexan bodies upon request. I’m a fan of the Pontiac brand and was trying to find a Pontiac Grand Am SE or the Pontiac G8 body. If you or anyone can point me in the right direction of this quest it would be greatly appreciated.
Cubby- Hola there JL, thanks for sending me an email. Like always, send me your snail mail for one of our BigSquidRC sticker packs.
No, I am not aware of any companies doing one-off bodies. The time required to produce a mold for a body is no joke, therefore the body companies typically only do large runs. However, I am sure if you are flush enough, I can’t see any company refusing your money…
For normal people on normal budgets, I think you have two options. Look for a Pontiac hard body from the toy segment, or roll up your sleeves. That’s right, you can absolutely make your own polycarbonate body, but it will take some serious work. Hit up Google search for how to make a mold, then form your own polycarbonate body, but Only if you are up for a real challenge.
“Tuner motors
Is it worth paying the extra money for a “tuned” version of a brushless motor? Do tuned motors really put out more power?
Matt L.”
Cubby- Yo Matty, thanks for reading BSRC and for writing in to ASK Cubby.
In the racing segment of our hobby, “tuned” brushless motors are a thing. Yes, tuned motors will put out slightly more torque and power, but for an everyday Joe like you or me, it is pretty hard to tell that difference when driving on track.
Personally, if you are a basher, I would skipped tuned motors all together. When racing, you are confined to an upper cell count limit (which makes zero sense at all ROAR), but when bashing, there are no limits. When racing, if you are getting killed down the long back stretch, you might switch to a reputable tuned motor to try and keep up. When bashing, you just throw in more cells. Going from 2 to 3S will make an enormous difference, in fact it feels about “twice as fast”, but when going from a tuned 17.5 to a non-tuned 17.5, Joe Blows can hardly tell any difference.
Just my take on it, let me know what motor you ended up buying and how you enjoyed it!
Have a crazy question? Need a crazier answer? Have a rant that you just have to get off your chest? Email me- thecubreportrc at gmail dot com.