For Bashers, By Bashers!
Rockstar Cubby

ASK Cubby – Dodging Your Questions For A Decade

“Glue Me


What kind of CA glue do you use? It seems no matter what kind I buy my tires never stay on and I am getting “tired” of it. πŸ™‚

Ron B.”

Cubby- Well howdy dowdy there Ronny B., thanks for writing in.

Ya, I feel your pain, keeping tires on during the brushless/LiPo era is no joke. I am a huge fan of the Pro-Loc tires from Pro-Line, but those are only available for large scalers right now.

Back in the day, I used to do a bunch of tire prep and could get tires to stay on fairly well. However, who wants to spend 20 minutes on every single tire they ever use in rc? Not ME. So now days I do zero tire prep and just pour the glue in. Results vary, sometimes the tires hold quite well, other times, barely at all. LOL

So, what kind of glue do I use? I have used various glues over the years and I will always be a big fan of Bob Smith’s thin/fast CA glue (blue cap). It is what it is, kick bootie CA glue that works incredibly well on a zillion different applications. Now days though, I use more Pro-Line tire glue (#6031-00). I like its formulation, it seems more like a “quick drying medium” that is about perfect for tire gluing. It doesn’t dry too fast, nor too slow, and holds as good as I have ever seen. Oh ya, it comes with a proper cap as well.


Hey dude, what happened to 1/18th cars? Damn son, I have a bunch of them so cheap and easy to fix. Tell one of those big friends of yours to bring them back, it sucks nobody runs them anymore.

Grant C.”

Cubby- Hey ya Grant, long time no talk. Good to hear from ya again, hope you and your crew are doing well.

So, what happened to 1/18th scale? The next big fad- short course trucks, that’s what happened. Our industry made a lot of money by introducing a lot of new models back in the day, with the downfall of knowing that many platforms could never be supported long term. But such is life, there are loads of great new trucks on the market, plus many 1/18th scalers still remain.

Thanks for writing in bro, send me your snail mail again for the hook-up on a sticker pack.

Have a question that just HAS to be answered? Need an answer to a question that nobody else has an answer for? Have a rant that you just have to get off your chest? Email me- thecubreportrc at gmail dot com.

Post Info

Posted by in Ask Cubby, cubby on Thursday, July 26th, 2018 at 8:01 pm

