For Bashers, By Bashers!
Rockstar Cubby

ASK Cubby- You Shoot The Questions, I Dodge The Answers

“Arrma Outcast

Hey Cubby,

I gotta say, I’m surprised Big Squid isn’t dripping with material about the Arrma Outcast yet. Sure, it’s just another Losi Muggy formula, but the bash-ability can’t be argued with… nor the manufacturer support… or the durability… or 40mph wheelies across a field on 4S and 16/50 gearing.

Sure there is the Tekno MT410 which follows the same short-wheel-base ultra wide, big tires design, but the fact it’s a kit turns it off immediately to the largest potential purchasing base.

So — does BSRC have plans to get an Outcast? Already have an Outcast? Not impressed? Very impressed? Undecided? Thinking how awesome it would be if Pro-Line would make a 4×4 version of their Pro-MT? I’d sell a kidney in a heartbeat for that… or take up some additional work. Whichever is easier to do these days.


Steve A.”

Cubby- Yoooo Stevie, thanks for the email. You know the drill, hit us with your snail mail for a sticker pack.

Ya know… ARRMA has come a long ways. They kinda burst onto the scene and have become a success story, despite the economy, and our industry, having a rough time. We see ARRMAs everywhere we go. No, not in the numbers that we see Traxxas, but still, we see a ton of them. Their goal is to put out great bashing vehicles and they’ve done a pretty dern good job of it. Sure, they might have gone a little too cheap on their latest low-end 2wd models, but their stuff like the Kraton and Nero series vehicles are Serious bash machines.

Oh ya… about that Outcast. No, we haven’t received one for review, instead we got the Fazon super early. I haven’t asked if we’ll be getting one for review, I suppose I need to hit up my homeskillets over at Hobbico and see. They’ve been out for a while now and I’ve driven a couple of them for extended periods, they certainly are a lot of fun.

We are in the process of reviewing the Tekno right now, and while I don’t want to spill a lot of beans, we have been super impressed with it. On the Pro-Line side of things, they are full of surprises. Do I think they have a 4wd version of the PRO-MT on the way? My guess would be no as they seem to be focusing more on the scale side of things at the moment, but you just never know what they have in the works over there. Which got me to thinking… if I could ask Pro-Line to make one product just for ME, what would it be? While a high-end works 4wd 1/8th MT would be high on the list, my number one product would be Belted MX38 tires. But then, that’s just me…

“New Tekno

So word on the street is that there will be a new 48.4 in early 2017. What have you heard?

Dan G.”

Cubby- Hey there Danny G, welcome to the big time, shoot us your snail mail for a sticker pack.

So… we are lucky. We are finally big enough, and lucky enough (read- trusted enough), that we either hear about, or get to have, pretty much every single bash vehicle wayyyy early. Sometimes we get the info from the manufacturer, sometimes from one of their competitors or distributors, but there is very little that we don’t know about 6 months in advance. And yes for sure, some other media companies get the rights to announce a new vehicle first, but its because we are sitting on our hands because we have agreed to get the first announcement “rights” to something else. Btw, it is dog-eat-dog to be the first people to get to announce something, with some media companies trading a whole lot for the privilege of doing so. We don’t tend to make such deals, we would rather company X give us that honor by simply trusting that we’ll get them a lot of exposure to a desired audience. It boils down to media companies keeping their lips shut when they need to in order to gain the trust of the industry. Now some industry types will flip out and say “But you posted our uber-buggy 24.0 wayyy before we wanted you to!!!”. To that I will respond, “Well, geez, it was up on your website for the entire world to see, we are just trying to help you sell more of them by making sure everyone knows they exist!”.

With that said, about that new Tekno… no comment. 🙂

So there ya have it freaks. Got a problem? Just like talking about rc? Can’t keep from having a meltdown? Email me- thecubreportrc at gmail dot com. Questions that make it to ASK Cubby will win you a sticker pack while being deemed “Letter of the Month” will get ya a free BSRC t-shirt.

YOUR Cub Reporter

Post Info

Posted by in Ask Cubby, cubby on Thursday, December 15th, 2016 at 9:29 pm

