For Bashers, By Bashers!

August 10th NWI T.T.C. Event # 5


Coming up on August tenth is the NWI T.T.C. event number 5 of 2014, and will be taking place at the Indian Caves Park in Bradley, Illinois. The NWI T.T.C. group consist of a bunch of people who all share a love for scale crawling, bashing, and having a good time. There are a wide range of classes to ensure that your crawler runs against other crawlers with similar capabilities. There will be raffles and prizes awarded for first, second, and third place in all classes so be sure to get your crawlers ready and head out for a day of scalin!

If you have any questions you can visit the official NWI T.T.C. website at

Post Info

Posted by in Events, RC Rock Crawling on Saturday, August 2nd, 2014 at 2:41 pm

