For Bashers, By Bashers!

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Rockstar Cubby

ASK Cubby- More Of Your Questions, Less Of My Answers

“Lipo break-in?? Hey Cubby! Always a treat to read your columns. I have been wondering about something I have read around “the internets” on LiPo break-in. Some say yes, some say no… some swear by it others have never done it and say it’s a myth. What is the deal? Do lipos need to be broken in for longer life/ better performance? [...]


hitec cubby

THE Cub Report – Poetic Justice

Hey there everyone, thanks for making the click over to Big Squid. This is THE Cub Report, a weekly column about the rc industry. First off I would like to thank Pro-Line’s Matt Wallace for the title of this week’s Cub Report. Over on Matt’s social media he was using the #poeticjustic hashtag to express the feelings of the PL crew [...]


Rockstar Cubby

ASK Cubby- Intelligent Questions, Questionable Answers

“Stock SCT Racing I plan on racing the stock 2wd SCT class this summer. Stock class is all about the power so which 17.5 would you buy for an SC10 off-road? Travis B.” Cubby- Yo hey there Travis, thanks for taking the time to write in. So, which 17.5 stock motor would I buy? None of them! They all blow. They just don’t have [...]


Randy's Donut Cubby

THE Cub Report- The Impression That I Get

Well hello there, whether this is your first time reading BigSquidRC or the 1 millionth, I am glad you have decided to spend a few minutes with us. I woke up in perhaps the worst mood in decades, what better way to get my mind off things than to talk some rc? It’s a been a while since I’ve talked about [...]


Rockstar Cubby

ASK Cubby- You Write In, I Make Up Stuff

“Please do more Shootouts! Hi Cubby, I love the Shootout reviews yall did a few yrs back for the 2WD SCT, I bought my Torment 2WD mostly because of it. It’s a great truck! I’m thinking of buying the new Easter egg color Torment 4×4 coming out in June. Any plans on doing an updated SC Shootout review for 2018? Also, a [...]



FCC Proposes $2,861,128 Penalty Against Hobbyking

The Federal Communications Commission is proposing a penalty of $2,861,128 against HobbyKing for marketing non-compliant radio frequency devices. Specifically, the devices in question are audio/video transmitters intended for use in FPV/unmmanned systems. As we all know, the FCC takes its job very seriously to ensure that our radio gear does not interfere, or become detrimental, to others. We will post [...]


Cubby Quadcopter Shovel

THE Cub Report – Never Say Never, Except For…

Well hello there rc fans, thanks for tuning in to this week’s Cub Report. Our bash crew hopes you had a stellar weekend, just as we did at Horizon Hobby’s RC Fest. Of course everyone wants to know how was attendance at RC Fest this year. To me, it was heavier than expected on Friday, very heavy on Saturday, and a [...]


Rockstar Cubby

ASK Cubby – Reasonable Questions, Fake News Answers

“Podcast Cubby, I am a giant fan of your new podcast, any news on who will be on next? Walter O.” Cubby- Hey Walter, thanks for writing in, send me your snail mail for one of our uber-licous sticker packs. Yo, so we’ve been super lucky with the podcast. Tim Gluth from RCNewb has been kicking butt and taking names. Most people have yet to [...]


hitec cubby

THE Cub Report – Back In The Saddle

Well hello there folks, nice to see ya on a Tuesday. For years I’ve been consistent about getting THE Cub Report up on Mondays, but that hasn’t always been the case. In the very early days of THE Cub Report I think I did them on Thurs or Fri, but then ended up using Mondays. Yesterday, on Memorial Day, I [...]


Rockstar Cubby

ASK Cubby – Your Questions, My Shoulder Shrugging

“Car Storage I love your column, and I love the site! What is the best way to store my cars (I currently have 5, Slash, EMaxx, SMT10, Stampede, TC4) that also takes up the least amount of space? Also how can I get some BigSquid stickers? Johnson” Cubby- Yo big guy, thanks for writing in. And yes, we will totally hook you up with [...]


Cubby Crawler Shootout

THE Cub Report – Go Epic, Or Go Away

Hey there folks, welcome to THE Cub Report. Like most weeks, there is a ton going on, so I am going to jump right in. First up, before I get to the main subject, I would like to mention the Team Associated CR12. I am sorry, but I grew up when Team Associated were the best cars you could buy. When [...]


Rockstar Cubby

ASK Cubby – Where Was I Last Week?

“Geez What’s up Cubby, where the hell were you last week? Grayson M.” Cubby- Yo Grayson, shoot me your snail mail for a sticker pack. Oh and, I guess “thanks” for the great concern about where “ASK Cubby” was last week. For an answer, ASK Cubby has been really consistent, at least for the last 5 years or so. I doubt that I’ve missed [...]


Castle Creations Sidewinder 4 ESC Review

Castle Creations Sidewinder 4 ESC Review

New for the bashing world from Castle Creations is the Sidewinder 4. Castle has been known since their very start as the company to go to when you are looking for serious power. How well does the SW4 handle the day in day out torture of bashing? Does it cog? How smooth is the power delivery? Read on to find [...]


Cubby with big woman

THE Cub Report – Finding Marvingate

Is it summer yet? Around the greater Chicago metro it feels more like early spring, but luckily most of the country is sporting the type of temps you want for getting out and bashing. Or busting out the rc boat, plane, tank, etc. 🙂 First up this week is Pro-Line’s By The Fire! It is almost here (goes down this weekend!), [...]


Cubby Helmet

THE Cub Report – RC Fest And Why You Need To Be There

Hey folks, thanks for clicking over to BigSquidRC, it is Monday and this is THE Cub Report. I am in a bullet point mood today, so hang on, here we go on some discussion for Horizon Hobby’s RC Fest. * RC Fest is under a month away, and during all my years in the rc biz, I have never seen anything [...]

