For Bashers, By Bashers!

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Rockstar Cubby

ASK Cubby - I Answer Your Questions, You Question My Answers…

“X-MAXX Dear Cubby, Just wondering if you had any thoughts on why the xmaxx isn’t getting the aftermarket support we all kinda thought it would? I mean proline makes a body, a set of wheels, and some shocks. But thats about it for options when it comes to making your xmaxx your own. I’m still waiting for someone to make a set [...]


Cubby Rocky Mountain Show 2017

THE Cub Report – Jeff Hoy Is Bertram Gilfoyle?

Well hello there friends, thanks for visiting BigSquidRC, and thanks for reading THE Cub Report. Ya, so about that title, LOL. This week the title refers to our internet/back-end guy Jeff Hoy (I think you can guess which guy he is, LOL), and how strangely similar he is to Silicon Valley’s computer guru Bertram Gilfoyle. I almost can’t watch that [...]


Rockstar Cubby

ASK Cubby – More Of Your Questions, Less Of My Answers

“Fallout Cubby, What kind of fallout have you been seeing in the industry since Hobbico was sold to Horizon? Things don’t look much different from where I am sitting, what are you seeing? Robert H.” Cubby- Yo Roberto, thanks for writing in, you know the drill about getting a sticker pack. Robert is from Florida and writes me from time to time, so we [...]


Cardinals Cubby

THE Cub Report – Ramblin’ Gamblin’ Man

Here we are folks, another week in the rc hobby. Wow, the last year or two have been wild haven’t they? The good news is that things seem to be settling down, still, it may be another year or two before we see how everything shakes out. Any which way, welcome to THE Cub Report, and as always, thanks for [...]


Rockstar Cubby

ASK Cubby – Your Questions, My Question Dodging

“UDR VS SBR I cannot find a solid answer, I read the review on both and saw that someone asked this already, but you were waiting to review UDR. Now that it’s been done can we finally get a clear answer? Thanks, Favian J.” Cubby- Yo homeskillet, thanks for writing in. We will get ya out a sticker pack. So what’s the final verdict? This [...]


Traxxas Unlimited Desert Racer Review

Traxxas Unlimited Desert Racer Review

Over the last half decade we’ve seen scale realism go from taking a backseat to performance, to becoming the number 1 thing that consumers demand. Initially it started in the rock crawling scene, now it is everywhere. A great example of this is the new Traxxas Unlimited Desert Racer. The Traxxas UDR was designed for incredible scale looks on the [...]


Rockstar Cubby

ASK Cubby – More Questions, More Questionable Answers

“#mrt2018 Cubby, I just read the coverage for Mud rocks and tears on the front page. I wish I could have gone but was stuck at home 4 hours away. How did it go and when might you hold the same type of event again? Trevor B.” Cubby- Yo hey ya Trevor, thanks for writing in. A snail mail for a sticker pack bro. Ever [...]


DHK Hunter BL Review

DHK Hobby Hunter BL SCT Review

Across the globe the DHK Hobby Hunter BL short course truck is well known, but not so much here in America. A few months ago HRP Distributing started bringing DHK into the states so that the American bashing crowd could find out what’s up. We’ve been bashing/thrashing/driving the Hunter BL short course truck to see just how it stacks up. [...]


THE Cub Report – Officially Official

Hello folks and welcome to THE Cub Report. Once again, there is a LOT going on this week, so I’ll attempt to keep this as brief as possible (never happens.. LOL). First up… Huge props to the #arrmaarmy for crushing all the competition in BigSquid’s 2018 March Bashness. The ARRMA Kraton is our 2018 Overall March Bashness Champion, and deservedly so, [...]


Rockstar Cubby

ASK Cubby – Special Mud, Rocks, & Tears Edition

“Scale Event Hi Cubby, The Bigsquidrc scale crawl is going to be my first one! I am so excited I can’t wait. I have a pair of SCX10s that I will be bringing. My question to you fine sir is what else do I need to bring? See you Saturday Cubby! Martin S.” Cubby- Yo hey Martin, thanks for writing in on this fine Thursday. [...]


Losi LST 3XL-E Monster Truck Review

Losi LST 3XL-E Monster Truck Review

The war at the top of bash mountain is beyond fierce. You’ve got large scale short course trucks, you’ve got massively over-powered 1/8 monster trucks, you’ve got low slung truggies that seem to be glued to the ground in the corners, etc. One of the trucks at the top for Losi is the LST 3XL-E from Horizon Hobby. The LST [...]


Statue Cubby

THE Cub Report – Grow Fast, Or Die Slow…

Coming to you live from the greater Chicago metro area, welcome to THE Cub Report. We are insanely busy around this place, so lets see how fast I can bust this out. 🙂 First up, Mud, Rocks, and Tears! Finally, our first ever scale crawling event is upon us. #mrt2018 goes down this Saturday in Crystal City, Missouri, and we would [...]


Rockstar Cubby

ASK Cubby – Your Weekly Questions, My Weekly Answer Dodging

“Traxxas Rustler Cubby, I am just getting back into rc cars, could you please recommend some basic upgrades for my Traxxas Rustler? I basically drive around my yard and local parking lot and don’t want to spend a lot of cash. Ronnie F.” Cubby- Yo hey Ronnie, thanks for taking the time out of your day to write in. Oh ya, don’t forget, a [...]


DHK Hobby Maximus Review

DHK Hobby Maximus Monster Truck Review

After reviewing a couple of other trucks from DHK, we finally got a shot at one of their 8th scalers. A few weeks ago we started testing the 1/8th RTR DHK Hobby Maximus Monster Truck to see how it stacks up to its competition. The Maximus sports quite the affordable price point, we wanted to see if the truck was [...]


Cubby Booth Babe

THE Cub Report – The Immaculate Conception

So here we are folks, another week in rc. Hummmm, let me think. Naw, I can’t really think of anything exciting that went down at all last week. So we can probably end THE Cub Report right here don’t ya think? LOL. Ya, so Horizon Hobby has placed an official bid to buy Hobbico. OK, so let me give some incredibly [...]

