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“Collector Or Driver Hey Cubby Are you a collector or a driver? Everywhere I look in the online rc community people with massive collections, 50/100/500 rigs. This got me thinking of my few. Am I jealous or am I the only one that feels guilt if a rig is neglected for to long? Maybe it’s both but I drive all my rigs [...]
Hello one and all, welcome to Traxxas Ford GT week at BigSquidRC. Ok, so it’s nothing official, but we will have a lot of Ford GT coverage starting with an unboxing, then the review, then hopefully some video to boot. I can hear a bunch of you guys out there saying “We don’t care about no stink’n on road car!”, but [...]
“Photography I have been admiring the action photography in your reviews, do you have any tips for an aspiring rc photographer? Pete C.” Cubby- Heyyyy now Petey, what’s up with ya? Thanks for writing in and be sure to send us your snail mail for the hook-up on one of our uber sticker packs. Ya know, rc photography is not easy. I often relate [...]
Ya know, life isn’t all about rc. Well, it mostly is, but if you go 100% at rc all the time, you will get burnt out. That’s why it is prudent to enjoy other sports, hobbies, and racing. Especially right now. I say that because both F1 and the Feld Supercross Series are having freak’n incredible seasons. With just 3 [...]
I think maybe I’ve touched on this subject before, but I feel the need to talk about it again. I do a lot of motorcycle riding, and while riding on-road, there is a whole lot of brotherhood going on. While riding an on-road motorcycle, while there is some politics to it, you basically wave at every other motorcycle you meet, [...]
To upgrade the steering in your X-Maxx, the crew at Traxxas have released the 2085X. The 2085X servo has more torque than the stock unit, but perhaps more importantly, it comes with full metal gears to improve durability. The BSRC Bash Crew has been thrashing the daylights out of a 2085X in one of our X-Maxx test trucks for several [...]
“Just a quick kudos I just wanted to quickly say that I love your site and the fact that you objectively review all the products. Being that I am just getting back into the RC world it is nice to be able to read about products before I spend my hard-earned money on them. Your site has helped me decide what [...]
Hello one and all, here we go with this week’s Cub Report. First up, I have to mention the Feld Supercross series, it really is getting good this year. For those of you that attended or watched the last round from St Louis, you already know that Eli Tomac crushed the field, but that Ryan Dungey and Chad Reed stole [...]
Apparently the billionaire isn’t happy about having just the best car on the planet, and a space company that’s dreaming so big that everything it does is usually the first time it has been done. It sounds like Elon is dreaming a little smaller now. Rumor has it that he is spinning off Tesla Motors with a new division called [...]
Well we are finally here! You, the readers nominated what products make it to the sweet 16, then you have voted for your favorites for weeks to get them to the big game! We are now at the FINALS! Like we said from the very beginning, it’s almost impossible to predict who’s going to make it here, and as always, [...]
“Help with tires, please! Hello, I was wondering if maybe you knew of a company that makes low profile, high performance, belted, beadlock tires to fit 3.8″ aluminum wheels. I really like the SRC tires but they do not make a beadlock tires to put on somebody else’s wheels And GRP tires kinda suck. I have looked all over the Internet trying [...]
Oh yes race fans, Formula 1 season is underway. If you’ve read THE Cub Report for any length of time, you already know I am a huge F1 fan. In recent years, I’ve been rather quiet about F1 though, strictly because even I was tired of knowing the results before the races even started. However… 2017 looks like a whole [...]
The CEN Racing Colossus XT is a giant brushless powered monster truck. Pretty much every single one of those words means “Time to Bash!!!” to us. At BigSquidRC, one of our main jobs is to review product, needless to say we were pretty stoked to give the Colossus a go. We’ve been jumping, crashing, mudding, rock crawling, trail driving, and [...]
Castle Creations is well known for putting out more power than just about any other brand on the market. Now days they still want to put out the most power, but also want that power to be easier to drive. Hence the reason Castle has unleashed the Mamba X SCT PRO 1410 Combo on the world. The latest Castle combo [...]
“RC Driver Cubby, What’s going on with RC Driver? Are they really going out of business? Is that what the Cub report was about this week? Inquiring minds want to know! Harold S.” Cubby- Yo MTV Raps Harry, thanks for writing in and be sure to send us your snail mail for one of our way-super-dope sticker packs. About RC Driver… I am only going [...]