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With dual port chargers all the rage, the folks at Duratrax have released the Onyx 260. Not only does the Onyx have two charge ports, but it also comes with a nifty touch screen display. We’ve been using (read- abusing) an Onyx 260 for several weeks to determine if it is up to the basher lifestyle. Keep on reading to [...]
Well howdy there all ya rc maniacs, welcome to this week’s Cub Report. It is Not new, it is Not improved, it simply is what it is. And here we go… Life in the print biz is tough now days. A tiny lil’ thing call the internet came blasting onto the scene and created all sorts of havoc for the newspaper [...]
“Battery Charger Hey Cubby, I’ve been into the hobby for about a year now and I was looking to get a better battery charger. I currently have a Dynamite Prophet Sport Plus and it has worked well for my purposes but at this point I have multiple batteries and don’t wish to sit around for 3 to 4 hours to charge all [...]
Whoop, here it is, this week’s Cub Report. If you are new, welcome aboard for the ride, if you are an old schooler, nice to see you again, if you are a hater, you aren’t the first, nor will you be the last. Lets get started by jumping right in… Yo, March Bashness is getting super close. As I mentioned last [...]
“Cherish and Bash Cubby, I like to cut and paint bodies for my cars. Is it normal I cherish and take a lot of care of them and do everything to prevent them from getting the smallest scratch? (Like folding it in a towel when I go to a bashing spot) The thing is that I do that until the first I drive the [...]
Well howdy there all you rc fanatics, I hope you had unseasonably warm temps over the weekend to get your bash on. Locally we’ve been truly blessed with insanely warm weather, perfect for allowing us to gather up our Bash Crew to flog our personal trucks. First up this week is a mention about our upcoming “March Bashness” contest. Oh yes, [...]
“Clutch problem Cubby, Do you have any idea why I keep breaking clutch springs in my truck? I have now broken 4 springs in less than a month. The clutch shoes look to have normal wear but I can’t keep from breaking the springs. Any ideas? Larry I.” Cubby- Hey ya there Larry, don’t forget to drop me your snail mail for a sticker [...]
Hello there rc fans, welcome to another Cub Report. What is THE Cub Report? Mostly rambling, mostly (but not all) about rc, mostly smack talk, but always a good way to blow 15 minutes. While I would love to go on yet another epic rant, there were some interesting product releases last week that I would like to talk about. IMO the [...]
“X-Maxx Damn Cubby, your review on the 8S X-Maxx is whack. You scared to criticize Traxxas or what? That thing is expensive, how could you give it a B for value? Barnes S.” Cubby- Yo what’s up Barney? Thanks for the email, don’t forget to shoot me your home mailing address for one of our very trick sticker packs. “My” review of the Traxxas [...]
Hello to one and all, thanks for stopping by to check out yet another Cub Report. We are getting a break in the weather here in the Midwest, we hope your weather is allowing you to get in some trigger time too. I am gonna go old school again this week, here are my notes from some of the more prominent [...]
“Weed, Toke it up article Let me start by saying that I am definitely pro-weed. HOWEVER, c’mon. If you can’t go a couple hours at the track without a bowl, there’s ways of getting your fix without ruining it for everyone else. My kids know i smoke, they know it’s for adults only, and I never, and I mean, [...]
A few months ago Kyosho announced their revolutionary Drone Racer quadcopters. The Drone Racers are not like a “normal” drone, they are controlled by a pistol type radio and only fly a few feet off the ground. We have been testing the Kyosho Zephyr, one of the two Drone Racers released by Kyosho. How easy is it to fly? Is [...]
Hello one and all, I hope you all had a great weekend out bashing with your friends. Welcome to yet another week in the hobby and to another funtabulous Cub Report. A few weeks ago I learned than an acquaintance of mine had been banned from his local indoor track. That didn’t surprise me as he has been banned from a [...]
“Traxxas still king, can they save on road? LHS issue Hey Cubby, It’s been a while since a wrote in, but I wanted to share some thoughts. First, the quote “support your LHS (local hobby shop)”. Well, I am not into this hobby to support my local hobby shop. In fact, if it wasn’t for the Internet, I would [...]
First there was the Traxxas X-Maxx monster truck, then came the 8S Upgrade Kit, now there is the full RTR version of the Traxxas 8S X-Maxx. The newest version of the X-Maxx comes with a load of upgrades over the original, upgrades that are intended to make it faster, stronger, and an overall better bash machine. We’ve been running pack [...]