For Bashers, By Bashers!

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Cubbys harem

THE Cub Report, Version – Jaded

So here we are, just you and me (ok, and a few thousand other people) for this week’s Cub Report. Kick back, relax, and get ready to get your scroll on. First up… In case you haven’t seen it in the “featured” part of our website directly above, you can still get in an entry for our Pro-Line Wipeout Video Contest. [...]


Rockstar Cubby

ASK Cubby- Your Questions, My Bullpucky

“You guys have a wicked site!! Hey guys my name is Joey, I’m 43, and I have been in rc for a number of years. Just want you guys to know I love the site. I really utilize your site for reviews and shootouts. I love the whole Site. My question is I’m from northern eastern PA and I’m working on [...]


Cubby Spokemodel

THE Cub Report, Version- The Fast And The Furious

Well hello there rc fans, happy Monday to you and welcome to this week’s Cub Report. As you have already seen on our website, the BSRC Bash Crew hit the world famous SEMA Show last week. Year after year we have talked about going, because every year something big in the rc world seemed to happen there, so this year we [...]


Vaterra K10 Ascender Review

Vaterra 1972 Chevrolet K10 Ascender Pickup from Horizon Hobb…

Scale rock crawlers just might be the hottest product segment on the market right now. There are a number of reasons for that- they look good, they run forever, and they are loads of fun. A couple of years ago Vaterra introduced the Ascender, a scale crawling platform that was designed from the ground up to outperform everything else on [...]


Rockstar Cubby

ASK Cubby – The Questions Roll In, I Dodge Them

“Tire Explosion After searching around on Craigslist, I ended up buying a used Traxxas E-Revo and it has more power than I could ever imagine. Can you believe this, on the very first run I blew two of the tires off! How do you guys keep your tires on? What is the best tire glue to use? Love your website and read [...]


Las Vegas Cubby

THE Cub Report- Winter Is Coming

Just like in “A Game Of Thrones”, Winter Is Coming, it is inevitable. The question is, what are you going to do? For the racing crowd, winter is easy. It means you put away your 8th scale nitro burner and head to the nearest indoor track to race 1/10th scale buggy. For bashers, things aren’t so cut and dried. Bashers won’t [...]


ARRMA Nero Big Rock BLX Review

ARRMA Nero Big Rock Review

Hot on the heals of the very popular Nero, ARRMA has released the Nero Big Rock Monster Truck. While the Big Rock is very much like the original truck, it sports a scale realistic look, something that is in big demand with today’s consumers. Of course we’ve been driving our test Big Rock like we stole it, so the big [...]


Rockstar Cubby

ASK Cubby- A Day Late, A Dollar Short

“Remote Control Tackling Dummy Cubby Seeing if you and the guys at Big Squid have seen the Mobile Virtual Player (MVP) tackling dummy. It’s a 140lbs tackling dummy that obviously runs on a surface RC. It looks like it was started by some guys at Dartmouth College to prevent injury and promote player safety. I could not find anything on the [...]


Duratrax Onyx 255 Review

Duratrax Onyx 255 Charger Review

Living in an electric dominated hobby, a good battery charger isn’t a want, it is a need. The folks over at Duratrax have long been known for their affordable battery charger line-up and lately we’ve been using one of their Onyx 255 chargers to keep our cars going around the office. The 255 has two output ports so you can [...]


The Cub Report Schaumburg

THE Cub Report- Electrifying Your Monday

Hello out there rc world, it is Monday, thus time for yet again another episode of what’s happening in Cubby’s world… First off… I am coming off a rather hectic weekend. Saturday was Red Bull’s Straight Rhythm motocross event at the Fairplex in Pomona California, while F1 made a stop in Austin Texas. Mercedes dominated the USGP, much like every other [...]


Rockstar Cubby

ASK Cubby- You Ask The Questions, I Make Up Silly Answers

Axial “For Heaven sake” Hey Cubby, Thanks for providing a platform for all the amplification needed by Rc Enthusiasts. Will you be kind enough to show some insight on : What’s the purpose or advantage of buying these new lines on axial monster jam trucks (SMT10-Grave digger/max D) since they are painfully slow hence you can’t get the performance of a monster truck [...]


Big Cubby

THE Trump Report – Version 10.17.2016

Regardless of what the title to this week’s Cub Report may read, I am not voting for Trump. Yes, the title is simply click bait of the worst kind and I should be ashamed of myself (but of course I am not). So who will I be pulling the trigger for on November 8th? That would be… wait for it… [...]


Futaba 4PV Review

Futaba 4PV Radio Review

While some bashers don’t mind spending crazy money on the most elite electronics on the market, most shoot for the best bang for the buck. The brand new Futaba 4PV has a slew of features normally found on high-end radios, but is priced considerably less. The combination of those factors will make the 4PV a prime candidate to be bought [...]


ASK Cubby

ASK Cubby- Yet Another Week With Your Questions

“Losi Baja Rey I just want to share my frustration with someone who might care I bought my Baja Rey about 4 weeks ago and for what it is it’s great but as far as getting parts for it is terrible I’ve been told 2 months for a driveshaft is that crazy or is it just me? Ryan H.” Cubby- Yo Ryan, guess [...]


Dromida 1/18th Review

Dromida 1/18th Brushed Off-Roaders Review

A few weeks ago the folks at Dromida announced a revised line-up of brushed 1/18th scale off-roaders. The Monster Truck received the biggest changes with all new wheels, tires, and more of a scale authentic looking body. Since then we’ve been driving all three of the new offerings- the Monster Truck, Buggy, and Short Course Truck to see if they [...]

