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Happy Monday to one and all, it’s about time to kick off your week with yet another Cub Report. If you are not blind, then you’ve probably already noticed the large A Main Hobbies banner all along the left hand side of our website. We are pretty stoked to have A Main Hobbies on board and look forward to working with [...]
For ask cubby Cubby, I am an aspiring rc racer with a question just for you. I work hard, I race hard, and I have some good finishes. I don’t have to tell you how expensive rc racing has become, what are my best options for getting sponsored? If I get sponsored I promise to always show off the products and help [...]
There are good servos, then there are GOOD servos, and the new lineup of Black Label servos from ProTek are aimed at the very top. Recently we got a chance to use (read- abuse) a ProTek 170SBL, a top-of-the-line brushless powered servo that has great specs for 8th scale or monster truck use. After weeks of bashing, what did we [...]
Well hello there friends, my name is Cubby and this is my report. Welcome to yet another week in our beloved hobby of rc. To start off with… If you have read my column for any length of time, then you already know how I feel about IFMAR world’s events. In case you haven’t heard, a bunch of the world’s best are [...]
“Long overdue shootout! Stampede 4×4 VXL vs Losi Ten MT Vaterra Halix ECX Ruckus 4×4 HPI Bullet Flux HPI Jumpshot MT Flux Helion Invictus Redcat Racing Volcano EPX Pro Team Magic E5 Monster Truck FS Racing Victory Brushless JLB Racing Cheetah Either out-the-box, lightly modded, or fully upgraded and in terms of value and all-out performance. Who comes out on top from this list of 1/10 scale brushless 4×4 monster trucks? [...]
Everybody knows the Bigfoot Monster Truck, it is iconic in the world of trucks and off-roading. For some people, especially those that grew up in the ’70s, the truck even holds special meaning, like the first time you went to a monster truck rally with your family, or remembering it blew your mind as you watched it leap over cars [...]
Hello there fellow rc fans, it is Monday and welcome to this week’s Cub Report. Up first… hummmm…. how about that new Drone Racer from Kyosho? Ok, so you are a “surface guy” and just skipped that post on our front page, so Here Is The Link to help bring you up to speed. You know, I hate quads/drones/multi-rotors, but even I [...]
“off road RC car what off road rc car has the longest drive time and that has a decent amount of speed that you have come across? Thanks Flynn Gaves” Cubby- Well hello there friend, how nice of you to write. Nope, I don’t know what rc car has the longest runtime. With today’s batteries and power systems it isn’t uncommon to get into the [...]
While Dromida is best known for their 1/18th scale off-road machines, a few months ago they announced a line-up of on-road cars. Over the last few weeks we have been thrashing the daylights out of the Dromida Brushless Rally Car to find out what it was made out of. Does the car have plenty of power? Can you drive it [...]
I could see it coming a mile away. I have been down that road million times. What am I talking about? I was at the track last week working on a review and a basher showed up who had never driven on a track before. Oh my, it used to be funny to watch a first time track guy blow [...]
“Vaterra Class Happening In NJ Hi Cubby Thought that I’d pass this along. Looks like some track owners listen to your ideas. My local indoor track is running a Vaterra stock class this indoor season. This Is The Link to learn all about it. This might be enough to make this basher give racing a try. Now if only I could get past dealing [...]
Can you get high-end performance while getting the ultimate in scale realism? That was the primary question that was on our minds when we got a chance to review a set of high-end aluminum wheels and licensed tires from RC4WD. Our Bash Crew has been thrashing a set of RC4WD Raceline Aluminum SCT Wheels and Mickey Thompson SCT Tires for [...]
No matter if you are at a local bash spot, trail, track, or rock pile, there are just some things you shouldn’t do. Here is a list I have compiled of things that I have seen Joe Blow bashers (and even guys on our Bash Crew) actually do, that probably aren’t a good idea… While at the local track testing… just [...]
Voltage Hey Cubby, I have a 1/10 scale Traxxas 2wd model that weighs about 5 lbs. I wonder why 7.4 volts is so preferred/popular/available? Do racing regulations drive this? Or was it historical nickel battery voltage/capacity that was more or less mimicked? At this relatively low voltage, current required for acceleration becomes very high- we must have large gauge [...]
Some people have a few batteries laying around, while others have a LOT. For all you guys that just can’t seem to ever keep enough batteries charged, Venom has released the Pro Quad Battery Charger. The Pro Quad has four 100 watt channels on tap and was designed to take up a minimum of space on your pit table. How [...]