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Over the past year, the ARRMA Senton BLX Short Course Truck has really taken off. Bashers love the truck for its power, looks, and for its ability to take a beating and come back for more. For 2016 ARRMA upgraded the Senton with a new power system, new radio gear, and fresh livery. We’ve been beating on the 2016 ARRMA [...]
Please answer if you can. Hello, I am considering purchasing a Thunder Tiger K-Rock in the near future. I have been trying to contact the company with some questions, but they have not responded in 2 weeks. I was wondering if you could help. I find your reviews quite comprehensive and your site very helpful. I was wondering what [...]
Well hello there rc fanatics, industry peeps, first day noobs, and grumpy old timers, welcome to THE Cub Report. What is THE Cub Report? A lot of rambling I guess, but really it is about just whatever strikes my mood, which sometimes even means talking about the wonderful world of rc. Okay, so you can’t miss our coverage of the 2016 [...]
“LiPos Dear Cubby, I have a question about safe liPos. There are a range of liPo’s on the market and they vary in price, but is there a safer one? I have been bashing for about 2 years and never used any liPo bigger than an 11.1. A track was just built down the street from me for 1/8 truggies and [...]
Ok, so I hate Pokemon passionately, but my son is all about them. He has seen every movie, watched every tv episode, and of course, goes to school daily with a couple dozen Pokemon cards in his backpack. Naturally, the minute Pokemon GO was unleashed on the world he asked (read- forced) a parental figure (read- me) to put it [...]
Some people want tires to win the IFMAR worlds. Others, mainly bashers, are just looking for an upgrade in traction at a reasonable price point. For all you 8th scale buggy bash fanatics out there, Duratrax recently added a couple of new sets of Pre-Mounted 8th Scale Buggy Tires to their set list. We handed a new set of Lockup [...]
“Special edition ask cubby Hey cubby how’s it hangin? I read in this week’s ask cubby about the state of on road racing, and I have to strongly disagree with your industry insider. Here in the Twin Cities, (MN) one of our few remaining tracks, (and quite possibly the most popular track in the state) is an indoor on and off [...]
Well hello there ‘Merica, happy birthday to you. If you are an American, you’ll enjoy a day of drinking, shooting off fireworks, grilling outside, and if you get lucky enough, even some trigger time (either gun or rc). If you are outside the states, yes, us wacky Americans really kick the party up a notch on Independence Day, celebrating the [...]
When first introduced last year, the ARRMA Typhon BLX 1/8 Buggy was a hit with the bashing crowd. It had a 6S capable power system, long travel suspension, and a high-tech look. Not one’s to rest on their laurels, ARRMA has upgraded the Typhon for 2016. The Typhon now comes with a Tactic radio system, new wheels, a new rear [...]
Welcome to this week’s Special Edition of ASK Cubby. This week I am the one asking the questions and you freaks are the ones doing the answers. Here we go… (I answered one of Bob’s questions a few weeks ago in ASK Cubby) “Dear Bounce’n Bobby From Germany, Yes, in America Robert can have the nickname “Bob”, or “Bobby”. Oh and, thankfully our [...]
Happy Monday to everyone out there in rc land, I trust you all had a great weekend. As per the norm, your friendly, lovable Cub Reporter had an interesting weekend. I got the weekend started off by busting out a ton of laps with the latest edition of the ARRMA Typhon buggy, then got in even more laps with one [...]
Without doubt, the most highly touted and anticipated car of 2016 is the ARRMA Nero monster truck. A series of teasers about its new “rc brain/smart diff” kept the rc world wondering just how radical the latest vehicle from ARRMA was going to be. Once announced, the Nero did not disappoint, it was pure radical from nose to tail. The [...]
Tires are hands down the number one upgrade you can make to nearly an rc vehicle. That doesn’t just apply to “race” vehicles, you can easily transform the handling characteristics of any rc car by bolting up stickier tires. A couple months ago Duratrax threw their hat into the ring of upgrade tires for the scale/trail/rock crawling crowd. We tested [...]
Video tips Hello Cubby. A few months ago I started a Youtube channel dedicated to making rc videos. Do you have any tips for me? What kind of videos do you like and what kind do you hate? Sam B. Mount Vernon, IL” Cubby- Yo Sam, I think maybe you’ve emailed me this question a few times before. Or maybe it was someone else. [...]
Ya know, just minutes after I wrapped up writing THE Cub Report last week, the official PR came across the wire that Novak had decided to pull the plug. Much has already been written across the net about our hobby losing such an iconic name. Every Tom, Dick, and Harry has a long boring story about how their Cyclone, Super [...]