For Bashers, By Bashers!

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Kershaw Leopard X-Maxx Brushless Review

Kershaw Leopard 150A ESC/5874 Brushless Combo For X-Maxx Rev…

The folks over at Kershaw Designs are hardcore about their monster trucks and large scalers. A couple months ago we reviewed one of their 1/5th scale Leopard systems on 8S, you can read that review HERE, but to boil it down, it put out wayyyy more power than the X-Maxx was capable of putting to the ground, or its drivetrain [...]


ASK Cubby

ASK Cubby, Version- I Really Need An Intern To Reply To All …

“On Road Racing “To boil it down… IMO… if the industry wants on-road racing to take off again, you gotta cater to the non-hardcore. This means mandating an affordable class (TRULY affordable, like a brushed Vaterra spec class), more interesting (just read FUN) tracks to drive on, and a whole lot less rules.” Cubby, THANK YOU!! Really, THANK YOU for publishing [...]


Gun Range Cubby

THE Cub Report, Version- It’s Officially Unofficial

What’s up nerds, dorks, dweebs, and those of you that consider yourself “other” in the rc world, welcome to another wild week in the world of rc. Yup, it’s Monday, time for another Cub Report, kick your chair back and slip your reading glasses on… Ummmm… I didn’t get the memo, but I guess rock racing is a “thing” right now? [...]


ASK Cubby

ASK Cubby, Version- Your Letters, My Babbling

“E Maxx Hi Cubby. Have you reviewed the Traxxas E Maxx brushless 4X4? I am considering it or the Stampede VXL 4X4. Your thoughts? Thanks Kent C. Wisconsin” Cubby- Hey ya Kent from Wisconsin, thanks for the email. The Traxxas E-Maxx is a legendary bash truck. From when it was first produced (around 2000 or so?) it helped set the world on monster truck fire. [...]


Boat Man Cubby RC

THE Cub Report, Version- As Father’s Day Looms

Just so ya know, good ole’ Father’s Day isn’t that far away. For those of you lucky enough to still have your Father around, you should up your game a bit to make sure this Father’s Day is one of the best ones yet. If your Father isn’t with us, I bet you know someones else’s that deserves something nice, [...]


Sweep Monster Truck Road Crusher Belted Tires

Sweep Racing Road Crusher Belted Monster Truck Tire Review

Do you have a way overpowered brushless 1/8 Monster Truck or Truggy? Is your truck so fast that it is simply impossible to drive full throttle? Do your current tires balloon so badly that they resemble the extra large pie at your local pizza joint when pinned wfo? For consumers like you, Sweep Racing has developed Road Crusher Belted Monster [...]


ASK Cubby

ASK Cubby, Version- More Letters, Less Answers

“4×4 SCT Shoot Out I am curious as to why the Vaterra ford raptor was not included? Where would you rank that vehicle in comparison to the others? Where is its “place” If you will. Thank you for your time. Absolutely love the website, you guys are awesome. Shelby” Cubby- Yo hey Shelby, I have some good news for you. Yes indeed, your’s is [...]


Smiling Cubby Reporter

THE Cub Report, Version- Anti-Social Media

Hello one and all, welcome to this week’s Cub Report. While I certainly hope your 3 day weekend is jovial and filled with BBQ’ed brats and ice cold beer, let’s not forget all those people that gave the ultimate sacrifice for our country. The home of the brave and the land of free speech… Speaking of free speech, I see an [...]


ASK Cubby

ASK Cubby, Version- Leave Your Messages At The Tone

Just a note to all the readers out there- yes, you’ve been pumping out some seriously cool letters/questions lately. They are mucho appreciated, keep’em coming in. Now back to our regularly scheduled programming… “Long jump record Cubby, When Paul Bludgen broke the rc long jump record at your event a couple weeks ago how did he land? Was it upside down or right [...]


Duratrax Deep Woods CR Tire Review

Duratrax Deep Woods CR Tire Review

For several years the crew over at Duratrax have been making aftermarket tires that are both affordable and high performance. For 2016 they have expanded their line-up to include tires for the rock crawling and trail driving crowd. Recently we got a chance to give their new Deep Woods CR tires a spin to see how they worked. Do they [...]


THE Notorious Cubby

THE Cub Report, Version- All Hail To Nero

After holding our lips for so long, now we can finally talk about ARRMA’s new monster truck, the Nero. Wheewwwww… there are some trucks that are pretty ho-hum, but holding back the Nero has been quite the experience. Why? Well just look at it, the Nero isn’t just another run-of-the-mill truck, ARRMA went all out on this one. So I am [...]


ASK Cubby

ASK Cubby – More Of Your Questions, Less Of My Answers

Boat TSM Dear Sir, After reading the press release on Big Squid about the new Traxxas DCB M41 boat with TSM, I must ask you this question. How exactly does TSM work on a boat? Yours Truly, Colby D.” Cubby- Yo Colby, what’s up? Yes, I found the new Traxxas boat announcement interesting as well. I am an avid rc boat enthusiast, so any new [...]


THE Notorious Cubby

THE Cub Report, Version- Go Epic Or Go Home

Hello everyone and happy Monday to you. As the rc world keeps on spin’n we watch the cars come and go, the new tech become old, and broken parts hit the trash bin. Oh ya, welcome to this week’s Cub Report. So… over the weekend the BigSquidRC Bash Crew put on a long jump contest. We hadn’t held a dedicated [...]


ASK Cubby

ASK Cubby, Version- You Write The Questions, Me Posting Rand…

“Tires Hi Cubby, my name is Bruce and I read all your stuff. My Halix does ok in grass and on loose dirt but i was wondering which tires you would use for those conditions? Also, what servo do you recommend for the Halix? The stock servo in mine is starting to go out. Thanks bud, Bruce Peoria IL” Cubby- Ok Bruce, you have my [...]


Cubby with big woman

THE Cub Report, Version- ‘Cause That’s How You Get Ants

Ya know, the weather here today is downright dreadful. However, it is the start of an all new and improved week in the rc world. But wait there’s more! And better yet, Monday brings on yet another Cub Report. Sit back, get comfortable, and get the lawyers on speed dial, here is this week’s Cub Report. So what’s going on with [...]

