For Bashers, By Bashers!

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Cubby Traxxas X-Maxx Whoopsee

THE Cub Report, Version- Here Today, Gone Tomorrow

Good morning, good evening, good whatever time it is where you are, welcome to another edition of THE Cub Report. This week I have no one theme, I am going old school with a bunch of different topics. So without further ado, lets jump right in… The 2016 AMA Supercross Series got off to a bang Saturday night in Anaheim don’t [...]


ASK Cubby

ASK Cubby, Version- You Ask Me Questions, I Simply Ask Why

“A lil bit about putting spikes in tires Hey Cubby, I am in Anchorage ak and with that folks keep having this radical idea about putting spikes or screws into rc car tires. I was asked about that yesterday by a friend I know. He hasn’t ran an rc car since the eighties. Well umm he knows better now because he [...]


Maclan Diamondback MX 540 Brushless Review

Maclan Diamondback MX 540 Brushless Review

A few weeks ago we had the chance to review one of the new 550 brushless systems from Maclan Racing. Maclan is new on the brushless scene, but we were left very impressed. Recently we also got a chance to test one of their Diamond MX 540 Systems. The 540 is intended for use in 10th scale 2wd vehicles like [...]


Maverick iON RX Review

Maverick iON RX Rally Car Review

In case you have not heard, there is a new line of cars called Maverick RC that are about to invade U.S. shores. Maverick RC was launched in Europe by HPI Racing about 7 years ago where they built a reputation for having some pretty solid bash vehicles. Recently we had the opportunity to lay our dirt stained hands on [...]


Cubby Helmet

THE Cub Report, Version- Oh Those New Year’s Resolutions

Hello sport fans, it is Monday, the time when industry types and first day noobs gather around their computers (ok, tablets & smartphones) to read THE Cub Report. The year kicked off with a bang here at the offices with our Bash Vehicle Of The Year announcement (which turned out to be the Losi 5IVE Mini WRC) and for industry [...]


ASK Cubby

ASK Cubby, Version- It's New Years Eve, Stop Reading This An…

“Rtr/newbie Hey, I’m looking to get into the hobby rc world. I’ve been doing a ton of research (I don’t know about you, but money doesn’t come easy), and I’m trying to decide between the Axial Yeti XL and the Traxxas Summit. Near as I can tell, the Axial breaks often and has a weird right driving tire lift issue, and Traxxas [...]


rc bashing with Cubby

THE Cub Report, Version- Bash Vehicle Of The Year Finalists

Hello there everyone, I trust that you had a most splendid Christmas. Like most hobbyists, I hope you got to unwrap at least one rc oriented gift, but if not, hopefully it was because your rc garage was already full. As we enter the last week of 2015, things start getting tense around the BSRC offices. The last week of 2015 [...]


Traxxas X-Maxx Review

Traxxas X-Maxx Monster Truck Review

Unless you’ve been living on Mars, you’ve certainly heard about the latest and greatest from Traxxas, the giant X-Maxx. The X-Maxx is bigger than any monster truck that Traxxas has ever put out before, plus it comes with features that no other truck can boast about like self-righting. Is the X-Maxx the next big thing to take over the bashing [...]


Hitec X2 AC Pro Charger Review

Hitec X2 AC Pro Charger Review

Ever wish you had a battery charger that could do it all? Well, the Hitec X2 AC Pro sets out to do just that. The X2 Pro is a dual port high current charger, it can charge a plethora of different types of batteries (including the new LiHV), and it even comes with a built in soldering iron. Can the [...]


Cubby Smile

THE Cub Report, Version- What I Really Think of the X-Maxx

Hello rc people, hello world, it is indeed time for another Cub Report. Like some of you, I’ve gotten in some serious time with the new Traxxas X-Maxx. We posted our unboxing shots this morning and later this week we’ll drop our full review. While our reviews are the culmination of what all of our testers think of a particular vehicle, [...]


ASK Cubby

ASK Cubby, Version- Making Up Answers Faster Than Donald Tru…

“RC car for my son Hi there, I’m a Mom who knows very little about Rc cars/trucks who has a son that would like one for Christmas. He is 15 and already has an HPI savage flux which he loves but is constantly repairing. He doesn’t seem to mind and I like that he’s learning to repair things but I would like [...]


Losi Mini 8IGHT Buggy AVC Review

Losi Mini 8IGHT RTR Buggy with AVC Review

The Losi Mini 8IGHT buggy from Horizon Hobby has been a fast and furious little basher since its initial release. Its latest version features AVC electronic stability control and we have been bashing the daylights out of one to see how gnarly it is. In fact, we took the 1/14th Losi with us on numerous roadtrips that spanned 4 states [...]


Statue Of Cubby

THE Cub Report, Version- Year In Reivew, 2015

So here we are folks, another year is nearly a wrap. I sure hope 2015 has been as good to you as it has been to us. So like I do every year, here is a look at 2015 from my eyes… Lets start with the “Big Hitters” shall we… Hobbico- A relatively quiet year from the Hobbico line of products. Axial [...]


ASK Cubby

ASK Cubby, Version- Your Week In Letters, My Weakly Response…

“Ask Cubby Good evening ( Swedish local time ) Cubby, Thomas P from Sweden here, awesome reports and “asks”. Got a Q for you and would love to see how you think about this one. Long story short, been doing RC cars for 32 years from the first car I owned (still got it) a Tamiya Wild Willy, to my present ARRMA [...]


Team Redcat TR-MT8E Monster Truck Review

Team RedCat TR-MT8E Monster Truck Review

What do you think of when you hear the name RedCat Racing? For some it means low-end cars with questionable durability, for others it means affordable cars that don’t break the wallet. The truck we recently tested from RedCat is the TR-MT8E Monster Truck, the very first vehicle in RedCat’s new high-end line of Team RedCat bash vehicles. Is Team [...]

