For Bashers, By Bashers!

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Team Durango DEX8 Review

THE Team Durango DEX8 Buggy Review

Hot and new for 2015 is a whole new line-up of 8th scalers from Team Durango. Being the super lucky media types that we are, we managed to get our hands on one of the first DEX8 Buggy Kits to hit American shores and have been giving it the full BSRC Bash Crew treatment for several weeks now. The last [...]


Cubby Parma

THE Cub Report, Version- I Hate Nitro, But…

If you’ve read the CR for any period of time, you clearly know I have a passionate hatred of nitro. It stems from years of watching T-Maxx drivers grind away on “easy starts” with no success, or even when they could get the engine to pop to life, actually sitting the truck on the ground was the kiss of death, [...]


ASK Cubby

ASK Cubby, Version- Poetic Questions, Irresponsible Answers

“Dear Cubby, With you being the biggest know-it-all in rc, I have a question. What is the proper way to take a corner with my truck? Like, what is the fastest way? Is there a right and a wrong way? I just want to go faster. Thank You, RadShot” Cubby- Hey now “Mr Radshot”, hit us up with your snail mail for your free [...]


Cubby Horizon AVC

THE Cub Report, 04.12.2015, Version- Understanding Brushless

Last week one of my minions working in the industry shot me a link to a new “blog”. In that particular blog, the writer talked a whole lot about brushless power systems, but mainly about BL motors. Post after post talked about things like how to rebuild a brushless motor, how to service a brushless motor, how to upgrade the [...]


ASK Cubby

ASK Cubby, 04.09.2015, Version- You Send in Questions, I Dod…

“Next R/C Tracked Vehicle? Cubby, Do you think any other manufacturer besides Kyosho will make a new 1/10 scale tracked vehicle? I love my Blizzard EV with the 540 brushless motor but its a bit fragile and parts are sometimes hard to find. If Traxxas, ARRMA or maybe even HPI could make one for the basher crowd do you think it would [...]


Cubby Booth Babe Craig

THE Cub Report, 04.06.2015, Version- Fixing On-Road Racing

Just in case you haven’t gotten the memo, On-Road racing here in America is F#&$%@!. Why do I say that? Turn outs at local races are abysmal, and even their national events have turned into a joke. And yes of course I am going to give you examples. In my local area, one of the biggest metros in the USA [...]


ASK Cubby

ASK Cubby- 04.02.2015, Version- Rip'n Questions, Toot'n Answ…

“Comment on your story Hello. I can no longer comment on your stories because I do not have a facebook account AND I never will have one. But I wanted to email you the comment that people should read. I wanted to start a hobby shop. Then I found out to become a dealer I had to buy from a hobby distributor. [...]


Cubbys harem

THE Cub Report- 03.29.2015, Version- Things The Wifey Hates.…

Lets face it, most bashers are men, and while a wife or girlfriend is a neccessity in life, a good one can be hard to find. Specifically by “good one” I mean one that puts up with her man being an rc hobbyist. For example… My wife absolutely hates it when I bake tires off the rim in our oven. Actually, I [...]


RC Gear Shop Metal Gear Servo Review

RC Gear Shop WinKing Standard Metal-Gear Servo Review

If you’ve been a basher for very long then you already know that you can never have enough servos in your toolbox. Inevitably, during a hard bash session, you (or one of your buddies) will tag a curb and lunch-out a servo unexpectedly. RC Gear Shop has a new line of very affordable servos. They are intended to replace stock [...]


ASK Cubby

ASK Cubby, 03.26.2014, Version- Better Call Cubby

“Witch kit to pick Hey Cubby I am in the market for a 1/10 scale stadium truck and I have narrowed it down to the arrma vortex BLS or the AE T4.2 RTR. I am just a general basher and I do have a small track at my house. Your opinion will be greatly appreciated. Thanks Erich D.” Cubby- Well hey there Erich, congrats on [...]


ARRMA Typhon BLX Review

ARRMA Typhon BLX 1/8 Buggy Mini-Review

With the 10th scale ARRMA RC vehicles becoming legendary among the basher crowd, ARRMA decided to take it up a notch and start producing 8th scalers. We’ve been bash/crash/thrash testing the Typhon BLX 8th Scale Buggy for weeks to see if it lived up to the ARRMA reputation for speed, durability, and handling. How does the Typhon stack up? Is [...]


Traxxas Cubby

THE Cub Report, 03.23.2015, Version- I Never Thought I Would…

I never thought I would say it, but I think the only company that can fix rc racing is Traxxas. If you ever hit one of their rc races at a TORC event, they kept it real- REAL fun and REAL laid-back, like rc racing should be. I never thought I would say it, but driving a car with a sound [...]


RC Gear Shop Brushless Review

RC Gear Shop 1/8 2150kV Brushless Motor System Review

RC Gear Shop is a new line of affordable gear from Tower Hobbies. One of the items in the RC Gear Shop line-up is a 2150kV Brushless Power System intended for 8th scalers. We’ve been bashing the living daylights out of one to find out how it stacks up against the competition. Does it have plenty of power? Does it [...]


ASK Cubby

ASK Cubby, 03.19.2014, Version- You Provide the Questions, I…

“New rig purchase Hey Cubby, Not sure if this is where my question should go to? So here it goes! First I want to say I love your site! Has helped out tremendously! The layout is awesome as well! Ok on to my question! I’ve been into RC fun probably my whole life, but really into it about 5 yrs. I own a [...]


Futaba 4GRS Review

Futaba 4GRS 4-Channel T-FHSS Radio Review

Twin stick radios are so old school that nobody uses them anymore, right??? That absolutely isn’t the case, in fact they are making a bit of a comeback thanks to the crawling/trailing and boat crowds. When Futaba announced the twin stick 4GRS it was actually a pretty big deal, it isn’t often when a new surface twin sticker hits the [...]

