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It’s been a long time since Hitec put out a high-end surface radio, that is why a whole lot of people in the rc world were stoked at the announcement of the new Lynx 4S. The Lynx 4S was touted to be the best surface radio Hitec has ever produced and comes with features like telemetry, a drop down wheel, [...]
No, it isn’t December 31st quite yet, but I decided to bust out my annual year end summary a couple of weeks early. Overall, 2014 will not go down as a banner year for rc sales, but it certainly saw a bunch of innovative products released. The whole 8th scale gasoline powered monster truck thing sounded great on paper but [...]
“Charger Comparison Hi, I just wanted your thought since you’re the only website I have seen conduct reviews on these two chargers. I am looking at the Hitec X1 Pro with power supply and the Hitec X1 Touch. These are two very different chargers and wanted to know if you had to choose between the two which one would you recommend? Thank you, Curt [...]
8th scale buggies are prime bash machines, they are fast, corner well, and can make the biggest of the big jumps. We’ve been bash testing the new 8th scale Losi 8IGHT-E RTR for weeks now. Is it a burly bash machine? Can you go huge with it? Does it come with big power? How easily does it break? From: Losi Direct Link: [...]
“Electric offroad car/truck/buggy I am Zander. I am looking for an offroad, 4WD, electric rc car that should be fast, quite low so that it wont fall over easily on turns, waterproof electronics, good suspension so that it could do a little bit of rock crawling, etc. Pretty much an all rounder, rock racer, rock crawling offroad 4wd car/truck or whatever. [...]
“Dearest Cubby, This year my entire family has decided to make my house THE house for Thanksgiving dinner. Any suggestions on how to cook a turkey with an rc car? Sincerely, Terry G.” Cubby- At first, I thought it might be a really bad idea to took a turkey with an rc car. However, I hate, I mean absolutely despise, family coming over and [...]
THE Losi XXX-SCB Brushless RTR Review from Horizon HobbyBack in 2011 Losi introduced the first RTR XXX-SCB. It looked like nothing else on the market and was a solid RTR. Now Losi has added brushless power and their AVC Stabilty Control. Is the new XXX-SCB a good basher? Does it have enough power to keep your interest? Is it worth [...]
Years ago, and I don’t remember how many it has been (and I’m far too lazy to look it up), I wrote a Cub Report featuring what our BigSquidRC Bash Crew wanted for Christmas. I wrote it to give you guys a little more insight to what our Bash Crew was thinking, and to what they really truly wanted under [...]
“Hi Guys, My names is James. I work at Pacific Motorsports in Eureka CA, About 2 years back we decided that taking on RC to add to inventory. We also sell Honda, Yamaha, and Polaris vehicles and accessories. After the first year RC was so big here that we decided to build an indoor carpet track, and [...]
First up, before I get to the meat of THE Cub Report, I have some good news. Big Squid RC Monthly issue number 2 is shipping today! Yes, they will be on hobby shop counters as early as Tuesday! What does it take to get a FREE copy? It’s gonna take a visit to a local hobby shop. While you [...]
“Advice On 1/18 Scale RC Models Thank you for your posts/reviews on all of your RC equipment. I’m thinking of getting into the hobby and am looking at some 1/18 scale vehicles to start with: -Latrax Rally -ECX 1/18 Torment Reviews on your site show both RC’s at a B- which should be fair for the price. However, I wanted to know which you think [...]
Hola amigos (and amigas) and welcome to yet another satirical look at the rc world, THE Cub Report. The next issue of Big Squid RC Monthly is just a few days away from shipping. We posted an incomplete listing of hobby shops that will have the monthly on their counters a couple of weeks ago, once issue 2 is shipping we’ll [...]
“Help me be an awesome wife! Hey guys, My husband and our 7 year old daughter like to run and tinker with RC vehicles. I want to surprise my husband with some cool RC stuff, like I have in the past. I’ve bought him tires, motors, and other parts before, but this time I would like to surprise him with some fan [...]
As the years have passed I’ve become a grumpy old man (Yes, even grumpier than before). Every day it seems more and more things trip my trigger. It might be something small like how a woman takes 4000% longer to use an ATM than a man does, or something that really truly torques me off, like fake Facebook likes. Why would [...]
THE VRX Racing XR4 Rally Car ReviewWho is VRX Racing? They are an Asian company that makes affordable basher type vehicles, that’s who. They were recently picked up here in the states by IMEX RC so we received an XR4 Brushless RTR Rally Car for testing. Is a VRX worth considering? Could it stand up to the BSRC Bash Crew? [...]