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Hey now everyone, thanks for tuning in to yet another Cub Report, where all the cool industry types get their water cooler fodder. How was our SoCal trip? Man, I hate to use the word “epic” as it will make me sound arrogant (read- guilty as charged), but ya, that pretty much sums up our trip. If you are “in the [...]
“QUESTION FOR CUBBY Dear Cubby; I’m a speed and bash rc truck person – slash and savage, etc. – but I really like the looks of some of the crawlers. And was wondering if anyone has had any luck modifying a crawler for speed and bashing. I realize they have a high center of gravity but I thought the wide stance and [...]
As the title states above, this is indeed a “quick-n-dirty” edition of THE Cub Report. Instead of laboring for days making sure the CR is something that would put anything Donald Barlett ever wrote to shame (read- in my dreams), today’s CR is mainly a quick tease. This weeks CR’s has to be short because the BigSquidRC Bash Crew is once [...]
“Family room runner I’m fairly green when it comes to rc cars and the like and was hoping for a bit of advise on a new rc car. I am wanting something that I can run around inside my family room, plus a bit of outside patio if the desire comes to me. I already have a Losi micro T and [...]
THE Carisma M40S Volkswagen Golf 24 ReviewNow days it just isn’t enough to put out a solid car, it has to perform well and look exactly like its full scale equivalent. Today we’ll be taking a close look at the Carisma M40S Volkswagen Golf 24, an affordable ready-to-run that promises the precise scale looks everyone is after, as well a [...]
As I was reading Tabasco Sauce’s column “Raging Rotors” last week, I found that it once again brought up the hot topic of parts availability. Over the course of the week it became the main topic of text messaging between myself, the BSRC crew, and various industry insiders. So here we go, here is a Cub Report dedicated just to [...]
Being a two time champion of our coveted Bash Vehicle of the Year, the ARRMA Granite packs some serious street cred with the bashing crowd. For 2014 ARRMA announced a new more affordable line-up, the Mega Series, that was designed to give good performance at a reasonable price. To make the price drop happen on the Mega Series, certain goodies [...]
“Vaterra Halix Build What’s the deal with the Vaterra Halix build? You left me hanging. I was following that build step by step (although I installed the Vaterra CVDs instead of the MIPs.) I figured you guys had gotten busy with the trade show and had put the build on hold, but that’s well in the past. Is the Halix build [...]
And this week the wheel of death lands on… you guessed it, one of my favorites, ROAR! Actually this week I’m not flipping out on them at all, but I do want to talk about their press release from last week. ROAR put out a statement in regards to the high-zoot 2.4″ wheels that are all the rage 10th scale [...]
In today’s review we’ll be taking a very up close and personal look at the Mini 8IGHT-T Truggy from Losi. The Mini 8IGHT-T comes in at 1/14 scale, bigger than most minis, but significantly smaller than a tenth scaled truck. It comes brushless powered and with the high zoot AVC that everyone is talking about. Can the Mini 8IGHT-T take [...]
“U guys should make a video with a ton of rc cars and have a race From Michael J on his iPod” Cubby- Yo Mikey J on your iPod, thanks for shoot’n me an email. So… you want us to make a video with exactly one ton of rc cars racing. Ok, I’ll entertain the idea, so lets do some math. Let’s assume [...]
The other day I was on the phone complaining about the high prices of dry cleaning to Brian. I told him how every towel roughly costs $3 a piece to have cleaned and how that was just getting to be outrageous (which it is)! He commented on how he had never heard of “dry clean only towels” before and that [...]
“Child’s Crawler I am looking to get my 2 kids a crawler each I will also be buying 1 for myself. I was thinking a small one for them and a 1/10th for myself. Since I will be buying 3 price is a bit of a concern. Right now I have a Losi xxx-t but Losi`s have gotten hard to find [...]
It amazes me how when every new RTR is announced there are a bunch of old school rc zealots that pop out of the woodwork and go into full idiot mode proclaiming its not worth buying unless it is a kit. Ok, so I understand that some people “like” kits, but to go into a full Chernobyl meltdown after each [...]
“Going Fast Hey Cubby I hope this ends up on Big Squid. I have saved up about 40 bucks to spend on go fast parts for my Rustler. Tell me, is 40 enough to even make a difference? Charlie T.” Cubby- Yo what’s up Charlie. Yes, your question has made the big-time, shoot us your snail mail for a free sticker pack. Is $40 [...]