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THE ECX Circuit 4WD RTR ReviewMyself, like many of you, spent years driving 2wd Stadium Trucks. They were a whole lot easier to drive and bash with compared to a typical 2wd buggy. A 4wd stadium truck would have been even better, but there were very few available, and those that were tended to break all the time. ECX recently released [...]
“My first Hi my name is Anthony. I’m looking to get a RTR RC truck. I’m into electric RC trucks and so far the only 2 I like are the hpi savage flux hp and the TT mt3 3G. Is there any RC you can recommend and is there anything you can say to make the choice easier between either RC [...]
I got slammed in the face last week, slammed by the fact that the gasoline powered trucks are finally making it to the market. While I know it’s a good thing for the hobby (the added realism of the sound and smell of a fossil fuel powered engine), I am forever a hardcore electric guy, and the realization that gas might [...]
THE Team Durango DEX210v2 Buggy ReviewIf you are an “old timer” then you probably spent years driving/racing/bashing a 2wd tenth scale buggy. Now days the class has had a resurgence in popularity, making it arguably bigger than it has ever been. The “new crop” of 2wd buggies are loaded with tech from front to rear, and one of the companies [...]
“Closed Cell inserts for Bashing Hi Cubby, I really like the ProLine Trenchers for bashing, but less so after they filled with sand. I made a few holes in the tires to let the sand out, but that’s not very good for the foams. I noticed the pre-mounted Trencher 2.8’s have standard white foam. And there I thought that Closed Cell foams were the [...]
While out in SoCal a couple of weeks ago, Brian and Tim were busy gallivanting around the rc scene, while I was hang’n with people in the motocross industry. On one particular night, I was able to sit around a ridiculously large table, one covered with all sorts of edible delights, with a number of makers and shakers in the [...]
THE ECX Torment 4wd RTR SCT ReviewECX, while still a relatively “new” brand, has made quite the splash in the bashing market. Their original 2wd Torment short course truck proved to be a capable bash machine, as well as several other vehicles in their line-up. We’ve been driving one of their new 4wd Torment RTR SCTs for a few weeks [...]
“Hello Guys, okay? I am a lover of your site, mostly I read your review. One suggestion: How about doing a review of the Airtronics radio m12? I’m from Brazil thank you, V. Hugo” Cubby- Hey now Hugo, thanks for the mad love and be sure to hit up Brian for a free sticker pack. You can plaster your car/truck/buggy with BSRC stickers and [...]
Hello rc world, nice to meet you, I’m Cubby and this is THE Cub Report. As you’ve seen from our front page we spent last week gallivanting around SoCal hitting up the makers and shakers of rc. Why would we do such a thing? That was the most frequent question asked by the manufacturers when we dropped by. As a reader/basher, [...]
“Hey there…Just looking for some advice/ Opinions/ Guidence…. I’m looking to buy a new Electric Monster Truck…I have been looking at the HPI Savage XS and the Vaterra Halix….what are your thoughts on these two and what would you recommend? I’m a newbie and have a large grassy park across from my house with a skate park and a couple [...]
I just love it when a Cub Report writes itself, and I love it even more when someone actually agrees with one of my hard edged opinions. Last week Joseph Quagraine had this to say about the 11 day long IFMAR 8th scale buggy championships coming up later this year in Italy- “Hello, I am writing this as JQ the RC Driver, [...]
“One Request Guys, Can you randomly pick my name for the Losi 5ive T? BTW, as a retail store owner, I liked the format of the contest. Making people look at videos and reviews, liking Losi on Faceypage, etc. is a great idea. I read so many reviews and watched so many videos… If I ever do a give away, I hope you don’t [...]
Have you been to a bash this year? Ever? Well I just got back home from a bash and the scene looks alive and well, much better off than some other hobbies I am into. Have you seen the state of car audio or even off-road motorcycling lately? Compared to those, rc bashing is seriously kicking ass. If you haven’t [...]
“FB I have to say without a doubt what you said about FB is the best thing I have ever read in the R/C world. Amazed at what level people need to partake in voyeurism of other’s lives. Never been on it, never will. I will cheer loudly the day it runs out of use with society, I do not really care [...]
THE Spektrum DX4S 4-Channel DSMR AVC Radio System ReviewWhat’s the real scoop on Spektrum’s new AVC (Active Vehicle Control) system? Does it work? Can it truly make your car easier to drive? Is it just another marketing gimmick? Has range improved with the newer Spektrum products? We’ve been driving, testing, and beating on a Spektrum DX4S for weeks now and [...]