For Bashers, By Bashers!

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Thunder Tiger ST4 G3 Review

Review – Thunder Tiger ST4 G3 RTR Truggy

THE Thunder Tiger ST4 G3 ReviewJust under a year ago we reviewed the Thunder Tiger ST4 G3 Truggy. We found it to be much like its monster truck cousin, the MT4, a big beastly bash machine. For 2014 Thunder Tiger has released a new version of the ST4, they didn’t change much, just the transmitter, but today we’ll be taking [...]


THE Cub Report, 01.27.2014, Version- Searching for a Daniel …

Happiest of Mondays to you rc fans, I know the weather is less than optimal in some parts of the country, but the rc industry keeps on roll’n regardless. I am deeply saddened and in a perpetual state of numbness because there still has been no “official” word on how Michael Schumacher is doing. To some people, people who have never [...]


ASK Cubby

ASK Cub Reporter, 01.23.2014, Version- Your Questions, My Dr…

“Question I’m thinking of buying a hellion dominus, can a lipo be used in the truck in its stock form? thank you, Frank B.” Cubby- Yo to the yo Franky B, thanks for taking the time to shoot out an email. For those not familiar with the Helion Dominus, it’s Helion’s 4wd 10th scale short course truck. It has an affordable price point, $199, and [...]


TrakPower Lipo Review

Review – TrakPower 2S 70C 6800mAh Lipo Battery

THE TrakPower 7.4v 2S 70C 6800mAh Lipo Battery ReviewWhat makes for a good Lipo battery? That depends on what you are looking for, but most people look for excellent runtimes, lots of voltage, and a long cycle life. We’ve been using and abusing a TrakPower 2S 70C 6800 for a few months now. How does it stack up to the [...]


Wrench Bill and Cubby BigSquidRC

THE Cub Report, 01.20.2014, Version- Blinded by Thomas Dolby

Hello RC fans, yup, it’s another Monday and time for THE Freak’n Cub Report. Ok, so lets say you used to ride dirtbikes, or lets say you used to follow the mx/sx scene but haven’t for a while. I gotta say you might want to consider getting back into the scene as last nights (Saturday) Supercross in Anaheim might have been [...]


ASK Cubby

ASK Cubby, 01.16.2014, Version- Your Healthy Questions, My S…

“Hey Cubby, I implore you to please quit using the word manufacture when you should be using manufacturer. A manufacturer is the company that manufactures the products. Thanks, Joshua H.” Cubby- Yo hey Josh, you’ve made the big time, hit Brian up with your snail mail for a BSRC sticker pack. Ok, a couple quick things here- 1. While I merely dislike Grammar Nazis, what I [...]


Helion Volition 10SC Review

Review – Helion Volition 10SC RTR

THE Helion Volition 10SC ReviewShort course trucks are still scalding hot and Helion RC has jumped into the market with their version called the Volition 10SC. The Volition comes at an affordable price point and is said to come with one of the most powerful brushed RTR motors on the market. We put one through its paces (and then some!) [...]


Helion RC Volition

THE Cub Report, 01.12.2014, Version- The Muad’Dib of RC

There still been no word out of France on any change in condition for Michael Schumacher. For those not into such things, Schumi is the greatest F1 driver of all time who suffered a severe head trauma while skiing. Schumi is an idol of mine so each day I scour the net in search of any change in condition, thus [...]


ASK Cubby

ASK Cubby, 01.09.2014, Version- You Messed Up By Writing In.…

“Vaterra Cogging How can I get rid of all cogging from my halix vaterra? 2s Lipo Aspen Sam” Cubby- Yo hey Aspen Sam, what’s up and I hope you’ve been bashing the heck out of your Vaterra Halix. While it is still a very new model it has become a favorite among the BigSquidRC Bash Crew. The Halix comes geared somewhat tall out of [...]


Cubby RC Traxxas

THE Cub Report, 01.06.2014, Version- SLaM’n Dom Like a Boss

Hey now everyone, I hope your Monday isn’t nearly as snow filled as it is here, and welcome to yet another funtabulous Cub Report. Golly gee I love it when a new year kicks off, it means two things- Supercross and Dakar. The 2014 Supercross season started up last night in Anaheim and it totally lived up to the hype. Bringing [...]


ASK Cubby

ASK Cub Reporter, 01.02.2014, Version- Using a Magic 8 Ball …

“Cubby, I am in need of a new power supply for my battery chargers, which one are you recommending now days? Btw, I read your last Cub Report and I totally disagree with you on the Associated B5, I can’t wait to buy one. Martin V.” Cubby- Yo hey what’s up Martin, thanks for the email and be sure to shoot Brian your snail [...]


Team Durango DEX408v2 Review

Review – Durango DEX408v2 8th Scale Electric Buggy

Yes, Team Durango is world renowned for their uber racing machines, but can their high-end DEX408v2 electric buggy also make a good bash machine? Is it fast enough to own the local bash spot? How does it jump? Can it takes huge hits like a only a good bash machine can? Now with video! From: Durango Direct Link: DEX408v2 Unboxing Pictures: BSRC [...]


the cub report helion rc boat

THE Cub Report, 12.30.2013, Version- Apologies for the Frivo…

Hola everyone, I hope you had a great Christmas, and welcome to the last Cub Report of the year. First up- BigSquidRC notes. This Saturday we’ll be finishing up our latest and greatest quadcopter shootout at a track in Paxton Illinois. If you are a reader or a member of the industry and want to check out our shootout process, or [...]


Speed Passion LM-1 Le Mans

Review – Speed Passion LM-1 Le Mans Spec Racer

THE Speed Passion LM-1 Le Mans Spec Racer ReviewYa, you’ve probably heard of Speed Passion ESCs and motors before, but you might not be aware that they sell cars too (or that they have an office right here in Chicago). When we first saw the product announcement for their new LM-1 Le Mans Spec Racer we immediately made the call, [...]


Tattu Lipo Battery Review

Review – Tattu 2S 80C 6200mAh Lipo Battery

THE Tattu 7.4v 2S 80C 6200mAh Lipo Battery ReviewTattu is one of the newer names in the Lipo Battery biz. Seeing as how a majority of hobbyists run electric now days, Lipos are highly in demand. Today we are taking a close look at the Tattu 2S 80C 6200 to see exactly how it performs. Should a Tattu be at [...]

