For Bashers, By Bashers!

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ASK Cubby

ASK Cub Report, 11.21.2013, Version- Your Astute Questions, …

“Hey Guys, I wanted to thank you again for the Invictus. Attached are some pictures from my Sons 6th birthday where we gave him the truck. He was screaming with joy!! Made his birthday. We had it hid away for a few months that is why it has taken time to get you pictures! My wife was laid off her job [...]


Carisma GT16MT Review

Review – Carisma GT16MT Brushless 4wd RTR

THE Carisma GT16MT Brushless 4wd RTR ReviewNope, you can’t buy Carisma here in the states. However, you never know when they might get picked up, so to stay “ahead of the curve” we are busting out some reviews of their products. Today we’ll be taking a closer look at the GT16MT, a 1/16th scale, 4wd, RTR, off-road truck. The first [...]


Revell Dromida SC4.18 Review

Review – Revell Dromida SC4.18 RTR Short Course Truck

THE Revell Dromida SC4.18 ReviewWhen Hobbico talks, people listen, and a whole bunch of ears perked up when they announced the Revell line-up of 18th scalers called Dromida. You and I might know Revell from their models, but now they have jumped into the rc world. The Dromida line-up is aimed right at the basher crowd, it was designed to [...]


THE Cub Reporter

THE Cub Report, 11.18.2013, Version- Underneath the Rubble S…

I know I’ve said that I am done with F1 this season, but here I am writing this to you from Austin Texas before the USGP. The F1 season was over months ago, I swore off watching or following it, yet here I am. Some friends of mine over at Red Bull thought it was a good idea that I [...]


ASK Cubby

ASK Cub Reporter, 11.14.2013, Version- You Have More Questio…

“Hey Cubby, I just picked up a 2013 Savage x 4.6! What would be the best upgrade you recommend for a routine basher? Most bang per buck vs. Best Bang if money were no object? Thanks in advance! Jose C. Jr. p.s. I’m also bumming it for a free decal :-)” Cubby- Yo yo yo Jose, BigSquidRC Raps! Actually we don’t, we just dig phrases [...]


Racers Edge Pro4 Enduro 4wd RTR SCT Review

Review – Racers Edge Pro4 Enduro 4wd RTR Short Course Truck

THE Racers Edge Pro4 Enduro 4wd RTR SCT ReviewRacers Edge has typically been known for their accessories, but they’ve got a line-up of value priced off road machines too. Today we’ll be taking an in depth look at their Pro4 Enduro 4wd brushless short course truck. It is just a race machine? Can you bash hard with it? Does its [...]


Dromida RC

THE Cub Report, 11.11.2013, Version- What Would John Crichto…

So ya, I got the text messages and emails. I caught the wrath while at the track. It seems some people have a hard time wrapping their heads around why the BSRC front page is getting blown up with quads and helis. I can assure you we aren’t just trying to sabotage your surface news, or somebody is paying us [...]


ASK Cubby

ASK Cub Reporter, 11.07.2013, Version- My Mailbox is Full, P…

“Cubby, My question is about a common belief that is passed around the internet. When an R.C. vehicle is discontinued is it really necessary to start stocking up on parts, or do the manufacturers continue to produce replacement parts? I recently had a vehicle I own become discontinued and am now faced with this question. (I would mention the vehicle but [...]


rc bashing with Cubby

THE Cub Report, 11.03.2013, Version- Bash'n w/ Kitty Pryde &…

Hello rc fans, it’s another week in our funtabulous hobby, and welcome to THE Cub Report. First a bit of BSRC news… We’ve got another big week ahead, but then they all seem to be “big” now days (thanks to all you guys). We’ll be posting a review of the 18th scale ECX Ruckus this week, along with the daily news and [...]


RC4WD Trail Finder 2 Review

Review – RC4WD Trail Finder 2 Truck Kit w/ Mojave Body

THE RC4WD Trail Finder 2 Truck Kit w/ Mojave Body ReviewRC4WD has flown under a lot of peoples radar. On the crawling/scaler scene they are very well known, but a whole lot of normal bashers have not even heard of them, let alone know what kind of product they put out, or even that they put out entire kits. Today [...]



ASK Cub Reporter- 10.31.2013, Version- Happy Halloween, You …

“Hi Cubby, I must say I am thoroughly impressed with the Granite BLX after seeing the bash video and reading the review. However, I couldn’t help but notice that you guys gave it a “B” on the Bash-a-Bility rating. A buddy of mine has the brushed granite, and that thing is INSANELY tough. Once you replace the servo its pretty much [...]


Axial AX10 Deadbolt

Review – Axial AX10 Deadbolt RTR

THE Axial Deadbolt AX10 RTR ReviewAxial has been kicking some major butt, their products are solid, their scale looks turn heads, and they have brought rc crawling (and scaling) from obscurity. Their latest release, the Deadbolt AX10, isn’t radically new from them, rather it’s a truck with smart updates with a cool looking off road body. We’ve been putting our [...]


Axial Deadbolt

THE Cub Report, 10.28.2013, Version- Completely Useless By S…

No, I did not watch the F1 race this weekend from India. Why? Because I watched qualifying and after Seb put it on pole (again, offfaaahhh), I decided I had better uses for my time. I can’t wait for 2014 when a decent amount of rule changes just might shake up the running order. It seems a lot of people were [...]


Axial AX10 Deadbolt Unboxing

Unboxing – Axial AX10 Deadbolt RTR

Everything Axial is super hot in the scaler world and deservedly so, they look good and work well out on the trail. The latest machine from Axial? The Deadbolt. The Deadbolt uses the ever popular AX10 platform and has a body that is a bit reminiscent of an old Bronco II. Some of its features and specifications include- * Three battery configurations * [...]


ARRMA Raider BLX Review

Review – ARRMA Raider BLX Brushless RTR Buggy

THE ARRMA Raider BLX Brushless RTR Buggy ReviewARRMA has become known as a solid manufacture of bash worthy machines. Today we’ll be giving their new Raider BLX Brushless Buggy the full bash treatment to determine whether it is worthy of your cash, or not worth a second glance. If you are looking at buying a solid bash buggy, you should [...]

