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Guys, The Bigsquid bash was awesome! You should advertise it more. It was great meeting all you, including the infamous Cubby. He actually let the little kid win, and good reason, he could actually drive! I got a chance to talk with Cubby and he really knows his shit. I have been into the hobby for a while and discussing the [...]
Here we are again, another Monday, and yet another Cub Report. There is no better way to start off your week in rc than with the web’s most influential and controversial weekly editorial piece (if I must say so myself). The Cub Report is an exotic blend of sarcasm/fiction/opinion that a rather large amount of people can actually stomach to [...]
Question for Cubby 🙂 Hi mate, I have a rustler vxl that i have been slowly modifying. Its a good RC and all but i would like to have a little more performance overall for a reasonable price. So i was wondering what could be my options, change for new ESC and motor combo or just try with different motor than the [...]
Hello there everyone out in rc land, yup, you found it, THE Cub Report. There was no F1 over the weekend. Sigh. There was “sorta” moto (if you count X-Games, Brayton won and JLaw was there!). Sigh. At least I’ve got the last season of Breaking Bad to look forward to this Sunday. In case you missed it (read- you have been [...]
So I opened up the old email box this evening and I had several emails asking if I knew what was up with the Vaterra Twin Hammers being recalled. I thought the first letter was just someone messing around, but then after the third similar email I decided to do a little contacting myself! After a few phone calls, a [...]
Hey Cubby~ So I figured I would come to the experts to get a real answer to my question. I purchased a Venom 8.4v 5000mAh 7-Cell for my Traxxas Slash last summer. I have probably run about 20 cycles thru it and suddenly the battery won’t take a charge anymore. I hook it up to my charger and it tells me [...]
THE Futaba 4PLS (4PL Super) S-FHSS Telemetry Radio ReviewThe venerable Futaba 4PL was perhaps the best radio system ever made for the bashing market. Well it’s deceased now, replaced by a newer model, the 4PLS (Super). Does the 4PLS live up to the high expectations? Being Futaba’s first surface radio with telemetry, did they get it right? Can it take [...]
THE Traxxas EZ-Peak NiMH/NiCd 5 Amp AC/DC Charger ReviewSo you just bought a new RTR and it came with a battery and a wall charger. Wall chargers are notoriously slow and you would much rather be out driving than waiting around for the battery to charge. To get you back on track quicker Traxxas has a new charger called the [...]
Hey it’s Monday, time for another Cub Report, thanks to everyone that tunes in each week to see what kind of trouble I can get myself into. 🙂 First off, nope, not moto, not F1, but rc! Specifically- this weekend is a big dealio for us as we are having our BigSquidRC Uber Bash and Swap Meet on Saturday. Consider yourself [...]
Ask Cubby – OK, I will Cubby, I love what you guys do – the website is my go-to site for what’s going on in RC. However, I do have one question/complaint – the letters in Thursday’s “Ask Cubby” section are barely legible. Would it be possible (and not blasphemous) to ask that you consider changing the font to one that [...]
THE Duratrax 835E 1/8th RTR Buggy ReviewWe received a Duratrax 835E for review a few weeks ago and everyplace we went people seemed interested in it. That seemed a bit odd to us, I mean most people have seen/driven an 8th scale buggy before. However, the 835E is different, it’s a RTR brushless buggy that comes in at a fairly [...]
Yo MTV Raps and Happy Monday ya freaks, welcome to THE Cub Report. There was the Washougal Motocross National over the weekend, but all the attention has turned to Jeff Alessi/LaserGate. It’s sad and it’s a mess, but I hope that it proves to be a turning point for those that need it. Onto rc… Our Rally Car Shootout should be going up [...]
Exceed nitro short course I recently purchased the ecx torment after reading your review. It was everything I expected and I love it (after I changed the battery). I would like to get back into nitro, but im not looking for an expensive “race machine”. Im just a hillbilly just looking to tear some stuff up and have a good time. Im [...]
Hello everyone, we are having some epically great weather here in the Midwest this weekend, absolutely perfect for spending all day outside pulling trigger and hang’n with the guys. I hope you were lucky enough to get your bash on over the weekend too. Indoors there was no F1, nor AMA Motocross. “Sigh”. Yes I know there was a lot of [...]
THE Duratrax Lineup C2 Pre-Mounted 8th Scale Buggy Tire ReviewIf you’ve run 8th scale buggy for very long, then you already know how tire costs can eat at your wallet. Duratrax has an extensive line of affordable shoes for your 8th scale buggy, today we’ll be taking a closer look at their Lineup buggy pre-mounts in C2 compound. Are they [...]