For Bashers, By Bashers!

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Cubbys harem

THE Cub Report, 07.08.2013, Version- Gotta Launder My Karma

Hola rc fans and welcome to another high zoot edition of THE Flip’n Cub Report. I have zero time here, so let me get right down to it… In BSRC News- Adam “The Intern” smashed his existing world record over the weekend by vaporizing a Five Guys hamburger in just under 5 seconds. Mental note to self- keep arms/hands away from Adam’s [...]


cubby with torc spoke-model

ASK Cub Reporter, 07.04.2013, Happy Birthday America Edition

Hi guys, Were can I buy the e-maxx sway bar kit??? T-Maxx and E-Maxx Sway Bar KitRegards, Jason Cubby– Yo hey Jason, what’s up and congrats, you’ve just won “Letter of the Month” entitling you to a brand new and crazy Über BigSquidRC t-shirt. Even in your size! Hit Brian up with an email containing your snail mail to be the coolest dude at [...]


ProTek 7.4v 2S 100C 7000 mah Lipo Battery

Review – ProTek 7.4v 2S 100C 7000 mah Lipo Battery

THE ProTek 7.4v 2S 100C 7000 mah Lipo Battery ReviewA few weeks ago we tested the ProTek 2S 5600 Lipo pack, today we are taking a look at its big, bad brother, the 2S 100C 7000. The ProTek 7000 comes in a sleek ROAR legal hard case, and comes with a premium price tag. Is it worth the cash? Is [...]


Rc bashing Cubby

THE Cub Report, 07.01.2013, Version- Hangman’s Joke

Hola Amigo’s and happy Monday. I trust everyone got some trigger time in over the weekend. I actually got to drive some of my personal cars over the weekend, which is quite the rarity for me over the last decade or so. Yay. The AMA motocross nationals are starting to get good! The Dunge put down another OA and Tomac [...]


THE Cub Report, King Cubby

ASK Cub Reporter, 06.27.2013, Version- You Write In, I Take …

Hello, I was reading your review on the Pro Track suspension kit for the Slash 2wd. You said that the drawback is you have to use their ( Pro Track ) rims. Why is that? Do yo need extra clearance? Can you replace the a arms and still use other wheels? Thanks Michael Y Cubby– Hey now Mikeee Y, thanks for taking the time [...]


RC News

THE Cub Report, 06.24.2013, Version- Just a Normal RC Column…

Hey it’s Monday morning, or at least you are reading this on a Monday morning, I am writing this on Sunday. I’m on my way back home from a few wonderful days (insert sarcasm tags here) in the Guangdong Province, but seriously, I can’t wait to get back home and hit the DVR to see what happened at the AMA [...]


ASK Cub Reporter, 06.20.2013, Version- Endless Questions Ter…

Hi my name is Robert I have been trying to get people to come to Columbus Indiana at Mill Race Park. I wonder if I can have BigSquidRC come here? Me and all of my good dudys have some RC stuff that we would love to share with you all but I have no luck getting anyone to come [...]


Stadium Super Trucks

THE Cub Report, 06.17.2013, Version- Bring the Noise

Hello readers, industry types, and people who just happened along via some random Google search, this is THE Cub Report, a weekly rant-n-rave session about the rc world. Rc racing is so freak’n screwed up, yet the vast majority of racers have no problem just “going with the flow’. Thankfully I’m not wired that way… For example, over the weekend ROAR [...]


ASK Cub Reporter, 06.12.2013, Version- Oooofah, More Questio…

I have a ECX Torment that I am modding, and would like to know what kind of shocks/shock oil I should get for asphalt bashing. I already put in a brushless system, a metal transmission, and some street shoes. I would prefer is the shocks were 20-35 buck for eah front or rear set. ( total cost of 70 bucks [...]


Stadium Super Trucks

THE Cub Report,, 06.10.2013, Version- Powered By Race Fuel

Hello everyone, I trust you are having a great Monday and welcome to another fantastic edition of THE Cub Report. I know this will be quite shocking, but I have yet to watch any race coverage from over the weekend. I haven’t seen the AMA National from High Point, nor the Canadian F1 race, and haven’t even seen the NBC Sports [...]


Vaterra Glamis Uno Buggy Review

Review – Vaterra Glamis Uno 1/8th RTR Buggy

THE Vaterra Glamis Uno 1/8th RTR Buggy ReviewWhen the Vaterra line-up was first announced the Twin Hammers got all the headlines, and while it’s a nice all around machine, one thing it does not do is get the pulse racing with pure speed. The Vaterra Glamis Uno was modeled after the insane buggies run every weekend at the Glamis sand [...]


ASK Cub Reporter, 06.06.2013, Version- Quenching Your Thirst…

I Have a stock brushless 2wd Slash and want to upgrade to Anza LCG or Proline LCG chassis but keep everything else stock. I bash w/ some backyard racing. Which would you recommend? I’ve looked closely at both BSRC reviews but Proline review was w/ completely upgraded parts & Anza was stock. I know proline is a sponsor and don’t want [...]


RC10 Gold Tub Re-Release

THE Cub Report, 06.03.2013, Version- Negativity Is My Middle…

RV2 lost the overall at the AMA national over the weekend, but nobody beat him. By that I mean he still pwn’ed the field, but defeated himself by going down twice in the second moto. That destroys his chance of going for a perfect season like RC and Bubba had, and perhaps gives the field a little bit more motivation [...]


ASK Cub Reporter, 05.29.2013, Version- More of Your Question…

Hoping you guys can keep me from going insane! I bought a used Castle esc with a 4 pole motor yesterday. I tested it shortly inside last night and it worked. Today I turn it on, and the esc don’t beep, and I have no throttle. Only a red light on the esc. Does not change with throttle. I triple [...]


Traxxas TORC Series

THE Cub Report, 05.28.2013, Version- Hand Of God

Awww yes, I love motorsports and it doesn’t get much better than Memorial Day Weekend to catch racing on the tube. Saturday featured the AMA Motocross National from Colorado and Sunday was full of four wheel fun from Monoco, Indy, and whatever yee-haw venue that the NASCAR series runs on. Competition plus motorsports equals Cubby heaven. Years (and years) ago I [...]

