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Hey Cubby So the question I have is, why can I run a LIPO on a car for 20-30 minutes but a plane only get 5-7 minutes? What is causing this large runtime difference? Sean Cubby– Yo what’s up Sean? Don’t forget to send us your snail mail to get some free stickers to plaster your rig with. Perhaps a more relevant question [...]
Happy Monday rc’ers of the world, the Holiday Season is nearly here, a time for giving, a time for fine food, a time for family, and even more importantly, a time for a few days off with the chance of pulling some trigger. First up- yes, we’ll be putting on another BigSquidRC Live show this Wednesday night at 9pm CST. This [...]
Can I check if Big Squid is gonna to do a review on Radiopost products? They’ve been out for a year now. Would be good to hear some honest reviews. Adric T. Cubby– Guess what Adric? You have just won “Letter of the Month” and are therefore going to receive one way-super-uber BigSquidRC t-shirt. Shoot Brian your shirt size and snail [...]
Good morning everyone, happy Monday to you all, and here’s to hoping you have a great week that just freak’n blows by. First up, some BigSquidRC news. Yes, we’ll be doing another BigSquidRC Live show again this Wednesday. If you caught it last week you saw exactly what can happen during a live net show. Jeff’s computer decided to chunk a tire [...]
NeXXt Review… *Handling – 7/10 -* The NeXXt is not the worst driving vehicle we’ve ever tested, but it was pretty darn close. It’s gets a passing grade even though it’s one of the worst vehicles you’ve ever driven? I think your scale is a bit off. Jason Cubby- Yo what’s up Jason, thanks for the email and be sure to shoot Brian [...]
THE Kyosho NeXXt ReadySet EZ Series Buggy ReviewWhen the Kyosho NeXXt buggy was first announced certain staffers of ours couldn’t wait to get their hands on the unique “moon buggy” looking vehicle, even though it was aimed directly at entry level enthusiasts. How does the NeXXt drive? How does it hold up to abuse? Does it turn heads at the [...]
THE Dynamite SpeedPack 3S 50C 5200 mAh Lipo Battery ReviewIntro: The Dynamite SpeedPack Lipo’s have developed a good reputation among the bashing crowd of being reliable, go to cells that put out good power. Today we’ll be taking a look at their hard case 3S 50C 5200 mAh Lipo. Does it put out insane power? Can it take a beating? [...]
Hello everyone, it’s yet another Monday and time for another Cub Report, the finest example of sarcasm (and bull) that you’ll find in the rc world. I hope THE Cub Report gets you all off to a great start to the week. First up, best of luck to all the American racers down in Argentina right now going for the IFMAR [...]
What say you? What is the best 2 wheel short course available right now? Keep up the good work George F. Cubby– Hey what’s up George, thanks for the email and shoot Brian your snail mail so we can hook ya up with a BigSquidRC sticker pack. The word “best” is a very powerful word. Not that I’m going to skirt around the [...]
Hello everyone, I trust you all had a great Thanksgiving and are ready for another big week in the rc world. Also, I hope you got a chance to catch the final F1 race of the season from Brazil, it was an epic display of why F1 is so much better than NASCRAP. Congrats gotta go out to the Red [...]
MaxAmps 100C Super Sport 2S Lipo Released Hi, I’m using a team Orion 160a brushless sensored esc, with a redline 11900kv brushless motor, in a 1/10th scale car. What speeds can I expect to get with this battery? Eron L. Cubby– What’s up Eron? Sounds like you have a spaceship fast 10th scale car, you running a Tekin 2.5 turn 11,900 kv motor [...]
THE Pro-Line Pro-2 LCG Performance Chassis for Traxxas Slash ReviewThere are a number of companies making LCG chassis’s for the Traxxas Slash and Pro-Line is the most recent to throw their hat in the ring. Pro-Line has a rep for putting out the coolest of the cool, and the best of the best, so how does their new Pro-2 LCG [...]
THE RPM RC Products A-Arm’s For The Axial EXO Terra Buggy ReviewToday we’ll be taking a closer look at the RPM front and rear upgrade a-arms for the Axial EXO Terra Buggy. Since first getting the EXO it has been one of the most driven vehicles in our entire stable of test-mobiles. And being wired the way we are, over [...]
Hello everyone, it’s Thanksgiving week and hopefully you get at least Thursday off of work. The BigSquidRC crew tends not to take any days off, if we aren’t posting we are at the track or in the parking lot trying to break parts. Which brings me to… On the flight back from COTA (outstanding track don’t ya think?) I got to [...]
I absolutely love your site, the content is killer and the best part is what you say is honest and not watered down to protect any sponsors. With the winter quickly approaching I was wondering if you guys ever posted some how to articles, not tips and little things like you find in magazines but specifically a review [...]