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Hola amigo’s, yes, you’ve found yet another Cub Report. I hope you are having a most uber Monday morning, and wish you a great rest of the week. First up… NASCAR isn’t racing, it’s a redneck WWF soap opera gone mad. Need proof? Look at the last lap from Talladega over the weekend. Soap opera’s are all good fun until half the [...]
Hi there! Ive been watching a lot of your vids lately and i figured id toss this question at you! 🙂 I just acquired an Optima Mid, and i’m curious if there’s a mild enough brushless set up? I’m well aware that a full blown system would melt an optima mid. I’m not trying to bring the [...]
THE Durango DESC210 1/10th Scale RTR 2wd Short Course Truck ReviewWe just reviewed the Durango DEX210 buggy and lets face it, 2wd 10th scale buggies just aren’t big enough or high enough off the ground to be effective bash machines. Today however we’ll be taking a look at its big brother, the DESC210 RTR short course truck that has more [...]
Good morning gang, welcome to yet another Cub Report, hopefully none of you are suffering from a bad case of the Monday’s. First off, congrats to Team Germany for pwn’ing the world at MXoN over the weekend. K-Roc and crew put in some stellar rides to cinch Germany’s first MX of Nations win, they deserve loads of props. Team America [...]
THE Atomik Metal Mulisha Brian Deegan 1:18 Scale Ford Raptor 150 Short Course Truck ReviewFeel like throw’n the horns and bust’n some rc moves 909 style? For those of you that do, or for those of you simply looking for a nifty small scale off road machine, Atomik has an all new 18th scale short course truck done up in [...]
Best Buy Correction The pricing displayed is what a Canadian customer will pay for the vehicles…. The vehicles are to be sold in Canada, even though it is on best as well As…. It is possible that you will not be able to even complete the order on the US site. For now, expect the price to be accurate [...]
THE Durango DEX210 1/10th Scale RTR 2wd Buggy ReviewSince Durango was acquired by Hobbico it has really been blowing up. The Durango brand name was once an obscure brand used by elite racers in Europe, but now days you can find Durango’s anywhere and everywhere, including your local bash spot. There are plenty of basher that are looking to try [...]
Hola amigo’s, and welcome to yet another way-super-uber edition of your favorite Monday morning rc column. First… sadly I must say I learned about the passing of Jim Rupard on Saturday. Jim was a staple of oval racing here in the Midwest and a HOF guy to pit next to. I was lucky enough to spend a week out in [...]
Hello, I was wondering if the Radient Ascend charger will somehow charge AA size NIMH batteries. I have 8 AA nimh batteries { single, not a battery pack } and would like to know if the ascend can handle this { maybe with an adapter of some sort? } Thanks!! Jim P. Cubby– Ahoy thar Jimmy P, what ye be doin? [...]
Well howdy there rc fans, yes it’s another Monday morning and time for yet another funtabulously sarcastic Cub Report. I figured I’d go a little old school this week for you long time readers, here we go… What’s going on over at HPI? Remember all the uber-buzz about their new gasoline powered 8th scalers that were going to totally change the [...]
Hi Guys, Great site and lots of info. I have read quite a few articles and forums and I’m at information overload now trying to pick the right combo for my build. I have a e-revo 1/16 that I’m planning on putting a mamba max pro with either a 4600kv 4-pole or 5700kv 4-pole motor. Than it comes down to [...]
THE ST Racing Concepts Axial EXO Terra Buggy Hop Ups ReviewSTRC has created quite a reputation of putting out flawless after-market upgrade parts. We’ve been bashing and thrashing a bunch of STRC upgrade parts for our Axial EXO Terra buggy for a few weeks now. Do they stack up to the big rep? Do they take the EXO to another [...]
What a great weekend huh? Formula 1 was in full effect at Monza, American motocross wrapped up their series in the heart of the 909, and NFL football had a full schedule, it just doesn’t get much better than that. Actually it does- when you have enough time left over to break out the rc’s and get some bashing in. First [...]
I’m not bashing your test in fact I found it very interesting. But I’m curious why in the weight test the lightest battery was given the better score. In general I’ve found the heavier battery with similar Mah almost always is the better performer. Your overall test results seem to bear this out. Thanks Scott Cubby– Yo what’s up Scott and [...]
Happy Labor Day everyone! I know a lot of you guys check out THE Cub Report from the office first thing Monday morning, hopefully you are check’n it out at home today. Biggest news coming up this week? Easy- BigSquidRC’s 2wd Monster Truck Shootout! Stampede vs Granite vs Ruckus in a battle to the death (literally). Check it out on [...]