For Bashers, By Bashers!

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ASK Cub Reporter, 08.30.2012, Version: Your Letters, My Driv…

Hi Cubby, I am pondering the question should I buy a new Traxxas Stampede or not. All I do is parking lot plus the dirt hills behind my house. Is there a better option? Help. Jose L. Cubby- Que pasa Jose? Thanks for shoot’n in an email. Ya know… Traxxas has sold an awful lot of those Stampedes, and I can say from first [...]


duratrax posse tires

Duratrax Posse Short Course Tire Review

THE Duratrax Posse Short Course Tire ReviewI can’t tell you how many noob bashers I’ve seen at the local track that are sliding all over the place (read- crashing a lot) but can’t understand why. Most of the time these bashers can wheel pretty good, yet they leave the track feeling like they are the worst drivers in the world. [...]


THE Cub Report, 08.27.2012, Version: Paid To Be Contrary

Hola rc’ers, thanks for kick’n off your week right here at BigSquidRC. First off… I just got back home from the world renowned Slot and Wing Hobbies located smack dab in the epicenter of the rc universe, Champaign Illinois. I’d like to give a big thanks to Randy and the rest of his crew for letting us finish up our [...]


ASK Cub Reporter, 08.23.2012, Version: You Ask The Right Que…

I was reading your review on the new Pro-line transmission. I sent some questions to Pro-line yesterday regarding the problem I have been having with my standard Rustler gears. I was hoping you might be able to shed some additional light on the subject particularly since you have done the vigorous field testing. I got a little of mixed messaging [...]


THE Cub Report, 08.20.2012, Version: UFO Classes For Everyon…

First up the important stuff- don’t forget that tonight at 8pm CST we are giving away a way-super-uber truck. Hit THIS LINK to register! We’ll be announcing the winner tonight at 10 pm CST. But… even better, if you don’t win, we are giving a truck away EVERY week for 3 months so you’ll have plenty of chances to [...]


ASK Cub Reporter, 08.16.2012, Version: Uber Questions Come I…

Cubby, Who is your favorite rc journalist and why? Richard P. Cubby– Hey now, what’s up Richie? Thanks for the email. I don’t believe there is such a thing as a true journalist in the rc biz right now, they are seemingly all puppets to their advertisers. Yes, it is sad state the rc media is in right now, but that’s just the way [...]


THE Cub Report, 08.12.2012, Version: You Love Her Coz She's …

To start off the “news” this week- we have some big news coming out of our own lavishly decorated BSRC offices. Since we’ve been such slackers the last few months, we are about to go uber-huge- we will be giving away 1 brand spank’n new vehicle Each and Every Week for the next 3 MONTHS. Yes, you read correctly, [...]


ASK Cub Reporter, 08.09.2012, Version: Left Wing Questions, …

I just finished reading it (the MIP SCTE review). Great job! Did you notice if the added weight savings decreased the motor temperature and possibly increase run times(less stress on the drivetrain)? Michael L Cubby– Hey ya Michael, what’s up bru? Just to bring everyone up to speed here, Michael is talking about our recent MIP Pro4mance tuning kit review that we did [...]


THE Cub Report, 08.06.2012, Version: Roll’n All Zef Style

No mx national or F1 grand prix over the weekend. “Sigh”. Let me get a little old biz out of the way. Remember a few weeks ago when I mentioned that one of our interns helped out a big league rc manufacture at one of their booths but he didn’t get paid? Well, he finally got a check in the [...]


pro match lipo

Pro Match Racing 7.4v 30C 5200 Lipo Battery Review

Pro Match Racing Race Edition 2S 7.4v 30C 5200 Mah Hard CaseBack when matched Ni-mh cells were all the rage Pro Match was a big, and trusted name. Obviously, it’s all about Lithium based cells now days and Pro Match Racing has changed with the times. Today we’ll be taking a look at one of their budget 2S Lipo [...]


ASK Cub Reporter, 08.02.2012, Version- So Many Questions, So…

OK I think I’m about to jump on the 4×4 sct train….my? Is what is the best truck out there to get…..I’m looking for out of the box fast…tough plenty of upgrades….let me know what you think…thanks Glenn B. Cubby- Hey what’s up Glenn, thanks for the email, shoot us your snail mail so we can send ya some stickers. You make it [...]


arrma granite

ARRMA Granite Review

THE ARRMA Granite Monster Truck RTR Review The ARRMA line is aimed squarely at our favorite people, us, the basher crowd. Today we’ll be taking a look at the ARRMA Granite, their entry into the 2wd monster truck class. Is it tough? Is it fast enough to have fun? Is it worth the cash? Let’s see…


THE Cub Report, 07.29.2012, Version: In a Mirror, Darkly

We have a big week ahead here on BigSquidRC, we are calling it Review Week. This week we’ll be posting a brand spank’n new review each day for your viewing pleasure. Monday we start off with Brian’s review of a hardcore bash-mobile, the HPI Bullet ST Flux RTR truck. Tuesday brings the review of another big-time bash truck, the [...]


ASK Cub Reporter, 07.26.2012, Version- The More Serious Ques…

Hi my name is Richard and I wanted to ask if u could send me any stickers or swag? I have a traxxas stampede and just read the review of the pro line transmission. Keep up the good work. Thanks for your time Richard P. Albuquerque, NM Cubby– Yo what up Richy? Thanks for the email, give me a couple days to [...]


axial exo hop ups

Axial EXO Terra Buggy Hop Ups Review

THE Axial EXO Terra Buggy Hop Ups ReviewThe Axial EXO Terra Buggy is a very competent bash-mobile, but who can resist hopping it up? This week we’ll be taking a look Axial’s full line-up of hop-up parts for their EXO Terra Buggy. Are they just for bling, or do they toughen it up to the next level? Let’s find out… [...]

