For Bashers, By Bashers!

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THE Cub Report, 06.11.2012, Version- The Sweet Sound of Chas…

Hola friends, bashers, industry types, and rc hobbyists, you’ve made it to yet another funtabulous edition of THE Cub Report. BigSquid’s way uber Summer Kick Off Bash went off with sizzle on Saturday. The weather was perfect, there was a great crowd of fun loving bashers, and all the events seemed to provide big smiles across the board. All day [...]


ASK Cub Reporter, 06.07.2012, Version- Your Questions, My Sm…

Dear Cubby, Do you have any idea why there are no lithium jelly batteries on the market? You probably don’t have any idea what I’m talking about, so I’ll explain: Lithium jelly batteries are basically LiPo’s, only, the lithium has been turned into a non-flammable jelly. This type of battery could be the revolution to batteries, here’s why: 1. They are extremely safe. [...]


THE Cub Report, 06.04.2010, Version- Internet Super Trooper

Bubba DNF’ed both moto’s at Freestone over the weekend thus making the 450 nationals a whole lot more boring for the rest of the summer (looks like a Dungey runaway now). You see one of those crafty photographer types ran across the track just as Stewart was mid-air from a jump. This distracting Bubba causing him to crash and [...]


ASK Cubby, 05.30.2012, Version- Your Delicious Questions, My…

When will you post the review of the HPI Bullet Flux MT? Your review may make my descision between the traxxas stampede vxl or the bullet mt. I currently have the Traxxas Stampede brushed xl-5 and love it. I was looking to get into the brushless scene and try not to spend a fortune. So I have been looking at the [...]


hitec 7965

Hitec HS-7965MG Servo Review

THE Hitec HS-7965MG Coreless Premium Digital Servo ReviewYes, Hitec is a sponsor here on BigSquid, but long before they were I was already a huge Hitec fan. I’ve used Hitec servo’s for over a decade and their performance and durability have made me into the fan I am today. Now days, we get a lot of servo’s through our doors [...]


THE Cub Report, 05.28.2012, Version- Another Week In My Scha…

If you are a James “Bubba” Stewart fan (like Brian is), you’ll be stoked to know that Bubba is 4 for 4 racing the outdoor nationals on his new Suzuki 450 this summer. Bubba was looking all washed up after a dismal supercross season, but after the switch over to the yellow thumper he is an example of classic [...]


ASK Cub Reporter, 05.24.2012, You Write In I Vomit Responses

Does it bother anyone else at big squid that a majority of basher approved trucks aren’t sold anymore? Jamie B.Cubby– Now this is an example of a question I like, right to the point, no fluff. After asking all the guys around the office, no, it does not bother us, not a single one of us. Why doesn’t it bother us? [...]


THE Cub Report, 05.21.2012, Version- Cubby.O

Hola amigo’s, I hope you were lucky enough to watch (or DVR) the live first moto’s from Hangtown on FuelTV last weekend. The first “lites” moto might possibly have been one of the best in moto history as Monster/Kawi/PC/Traxxas rider Blake Baggett caught and passed world champ Ken Roczen AND “Bam Bam” Barcia on the last lap to take [...]


ASK Cub Reporter, 05.17.2012, Me Mauling More Questions

question for ask cubby I have a Losi SCTE on your recommendation and I love it. I am setting up another one for my brother since he lives close to NorCal Hobbies and it is one of the more popular classes. I wanted to know if you had any issues with the Castle Sidewinder SCT with the 1410 motor in [...]


THE Cub Report, 05.14.2012, Version- Where Art Thou Space Jo…

Boiling down the last week in rc into one quite petite (and quite sarcastic) lil’ lovable report. Now on to the news… No doubt the Axial EXO Terra buggy has already made a heck of splash. While our test unit may have had a few new model gremlins, it’s still a kick a$$ buggy and one that might very [...]


ASK Cub Reporter, 05.10.2012- Welcome To More Of My Answer D…

I am getting back into rc after almost 30 years (i started then with a frog kit) which I would love to see more of now, and am simply amazed at how far r/c has come. With that being said and me being an extreme bash and speed freak, I am addicted to your review link. What are the [...]


THE Cub Report, 05.07.2012, Version- Table For 2 At Alinea

Yes, another week has blown by us in our beloved hobby, welcome to yet another way-super-dope edition of THE Cub Report. Mark this date on your calenders- Saturday, June 9th. What’s going on? Well that is the day of BigSquid’s first uber bash of the year. There is a lot more info to come, but it’ll be in the [...]


ASK Cub Reporter, 05.04.2012- You Write the Questions, I Mak…

1/8th truggy Can u tell me who makes a 1/8th truggy. Kit roller rtr does not matter just wanted to know who has them. Matt N. Cubby– Can I tell you who which companies make 8th scale truggy’s? Of course I can, but will I? I don’t see that happening. You see there is this little thing called “Bing”, it’s a search [...]


axial exo

Axial EXO Terra Buggy Review

THE 1/10th 4wd Axial EXO Terra Buggy ReviewWind back the hands of time to when Associated first released their legendary RC10 buggy. The RC10 flew off LHS shelves not only because it had ground breaking technology, but also because of its incredible scale looks. Since then rc buggies have gradually become less and less scale realistic, today rc buggies look [...]


THE Cub Report, 05.01.2012, Version- Corry Weller > Danica P…

Remember a few years ago when CES (Consumer Electronics Show) was thought to be on its last leg? Remember over a decade ago when iHobby was thought to surely be gone in a “couple more years”? Actually, all trade shows of every sort were thought to be on the edge of extinction, and why shouldn’t they? The web [...]

