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Battery Technology Inquiry To whom it may concern, I am representing the South Dakota School of Mines SAE Aero Design team. We would like to explore the use of electric storage in our next year’s competition plane. With today’s battery technology, is it realistic to have a 22.2V battery pack that can charge between 20-100A while weighing less than about three pounds? [...]
The HobbyKing Turnigy Nano-Tech 2S 65C 6000 Mah Hard Case Lipo Battery ReviewIt seems there are a lot of you guys out there wanting to see us review one of the higher “C” Turnigy Nano packs, so here you go. Do they put a crushing on the discharger? Do they vault your truck well past the landing area of every [...]
Hello friends, fans and haters, you have successfully made it to yet another cream filled edition of THE Cub Report, congrats! Just a few months ago I was outside my house blasting down the street and bust’n some big flips with my Losi 8ight-E. You see it was X-mas break and the weather was unseasonably warm for the Midwest, [...]
Hi Cubby, I read that charging a lipo at a higher amperage will make my truck faster, is that true or false? Travis P. Cubby– Hola Travis, thanks for taking the time to shoot us an email. So… will charging a Lipo battery at a higher/faster rate result in higher output voltage under load, thus making your truck faster? Well I am not [...]
Greetings and salutations fellow rc’ers, and welcome to yet another week in our beloved hobby. Life seems good for many people in our industry- sales are up, people are smiling, product is move’n out the door. For others, the less forward thinking, sales seem a bit stagnant, that pesky rent check keeps getting harder to cut, and life [...]
Dear Cubby, Here is a battery question for you. I know a higher C rated battery would make a brushless truck go faster, but what would one do on my ready to run Stampede? Awesome job on the site by the way. Seth E. Cubby– Hey now, what’s up Seth? Good question, so here it is on the front page of BigSquid. Will a [...]
No F1 plus no Supercross equals one very long and boring weekend. Sigh. I mean the Easter Bunny is cool and all, but he’s no Kimi or Reed, just say’n… And… wait for it, wait for it… Cubby’s RC Wheel of Doom lands squarely on Associated this week. Seriously, I am a longgg time gnar/core AE fan, but wow, [...]
Dominus Wins!? Are you guys as amazed as I am (as well as everyone I know) that the Dominus, a truck that you simply can’t bash with, won the bashing bracket? That truck is such a piece of shit! Sure it’s cheap, but at $200 it can’t even drive up a jump. Is bashing considered driving around slowly in a circle [...]
THE Viper Copperhead and VX4.39 Sensorless Brushless Motor/ESC System ReviewA few weeks ago we reviewed the latest 550 brushless system from Viper, this week we’ll be taking a look at it’s slightly smaller brother, a Viper intended for your 2wd tenth scale SCT. The Viper Copperhead speedo and VX4.39 motor system are an affordable option for your 2wd SCT, how [...]
Hello fellow rc’ers, welcome to yet another titillating edition of rc’s most vitriolic weekly butchering of the English language, THE Cub Report. As I am writing this on Sunday night April 1st I soooo could have kick’d out an April Fools column but we did such a good job with our April Fool posts that it would have been [...]
Racers rejoice! Pro-Line has done it again. They have just introduced their new M7 Compound. It’s Really Super Soft and apparently so sticky, there is a warning label that says ‘WARNING: Touching two M7 tires together may result in them being permanently stuck together!’ They warn that you should wear gloves as all times when handling them, and to avoid [...]
Running out of fast sports to sponsor, Traxxas has set their eye on the Winter Games and Women’s Luge. Not only are they going to be a Winter Olympics sponsor, but they have sponsored several women’s racers as well! Traxxas not wanting to miss out on any opportunities will be selling Traxxas Branded Cow Bells for people to ring [...]
The folks over at Venom Atomik RC didn’t want to be left out of the ‘lets name our vehicles with X and O in them’ trend, so they have rebranded their Gambler as the XOXO Hugs and Kisses Edition! I know my daughter is already a huge fan, and honestly anything with a X and a O seems to [...]
Now this I can use! The new Onyx 2245 has the ability to charge and balance 10 batteries at once! The built in power supply will need to be plugged into 3 different 25amp outlets for a total of 75amps of charging power! It can handle 1s to 10s lipo’s, or 75NiMh cells at once. If you only want to [...]
We have all been waiting anxiously for the HPI Racing eXtreme Gas motors and vehicles to arrive. Well, HPI has decided to go one step further with the new Ford Focus Hybrid! It will combine the power of a brushless system as well as the eXtreme Gas system. HPI says we can expect about 7 minutes of run time [...]