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Hey all, I’m back this week with a *gasp* finished project! Forgive me for going out of order here as this week I meant to originally discuss how to replace the stock four wheel steering system on a stock Clod Buster with something that actual works like it should, but after building Rotten Ol’ Apple (the truck that was to [...]
Hey folks, the column is going to be super short this week as I am dealing with a family situation. I haven’t missed a weekly MTM post since starting it a few years back though, so I’d rather make a short one versus not one at all! The picture above is what is currently awaiting me on my build bench. A [...]
Last time on Laying Rubber we discussed how to mate the rear end of a Traxxas Bandit buggy with a Traxxas Slash LCG chassis. Today, let’s talk about the front end.You can start by taking the front suspension assembly off of the Bandit chassis. It’s held on by 3 screws. #gallery-3 { margin: auto; } #gallery-3 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 50%; } #gallery-3 img { border: [...]
Before gettin’ goin’ here, a hearty goodbye and thanks to Cubby who on Monday posted his last Cub Report (well, at least his last weekly edition of it!). I remember many moons ago that I started to regularly visit BSRC due to Cubby’s weekly column that was full of ranting, speculation and hobby news. It was during one of those posts [...]
Hey folks, sorry for the late column this week. Been incredibly busy with house stuff/vacation! This week I want to briefly touch upon monster truck differentials. Way back when I started writing the weekly MTM here, one of my first was about locked vs. unlocked differentials in solid axle monsters. It was column #3 to be exact. For those not wanting to [...]
Greetings straight-liners and wanna-be straight-liners! Today we are going to resume talking about my Traxxas Bandit Drag Car project. When we last left it, the car was basically a stock Traxxas Bandit VXL that had JConcepts Hotties tires and an STRC Wheelie Bar installed. While fun in this form, it’s time to extend the wheelbase and bring it up to snuff [...]
Ya know, the craziest thing happened when I was going to modify my recently built Tamiya Clod Buster Black Edition into a long wheel base retro racer- I decided that I wanted to keep it at the stock wheelbase and slap on some dual tractor tires to go hard after some mid-80’s vibes. Our monster truck club was kicking off our [...]
I got the blues. The JConcepts Renegade blues, that is. Or to be even more specific, blue compound JConcepts Renegades. Yes, after nearly a year of racing on cement due to not having a location suitable for racing monster trucks on dirt, my rigs are finally going to get to go to battle on the stuff monsters were meant to be [...]
If you wanted anymore proof that no prep SCT drag racing is one of the hottest segments of the hobby, look no further than the constant stream of kickass body releases from aftermarket companies. Take last week for example- the legendary Buick Grand National made a huge splash by way of JConcepts. Whether it’s from Pro-Line, JConcepts or a small batch [...]
Boy howdy, it’s been a fun few weeks bashing my new Traxxas X-Maxx 8S. I probably should back up first, as I haven’t even made a post here that I had gotten one. I am usually better about posting an unboxing, plans, blah blah. In the case of the X-Maxx, ever since bashing one hardcore about a month ago, I knew I [...]
How is it that I’ve been writing for Big Squid for about 7 years now and not done any kind of review/impressions/discussion of a box stock Tamiya Clod Buster? Well friends, after building and bashing my new Tamiya Super Clod Buster Black Edition, that egregious oversight ends today. Here’s a mini-review- The Build To complete the Super Clod Buster, you will need [...]
This week in Laying Rubber it’s time to finally give the Traxxas Bandit some drag racing flavor. Yeah, the wheelie bar is cool, but it needs some meats on the back! I went with JConcepts Tactic Street Eliminator Wheels and Hotties Tires. Green compound rears and gold fronts, specifically. As you can see in the pic above, those rear SCT-sized Hotties are [...]
What exactly is a “Retro Monster Truck”? That’s the question that’s become the topic du jour within the solid axle monster truck community as of late. For this week’s MTM I’m going to try to explain to the uninitiated as to why it’s a topic, and then, probably against my better judgement, give my .02 in response to the question. So, a [...]
Hello monster truck fans! Big shout to all of our other Squid staff! It’s been tough to get outdoors and into bash spots/race tracks but everyone has been going like mad to continue to get good stuff on the site. Cubby is always plugged in to what’s going on with the hobby and continues to dish out his weekly Cub Report [...]
After some test hits as a stock buggy last week, my Traxxas Bandit is now beginning the conversion from buggy to drag car. First up is going to be a wheelie bar. As my experience from last week showed me, a wheelie bar is an absolute must. Even in stock form the Bandit doesn’t want to keep the front end down [...]