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When it comes to monster truck racing, nay, any kind of r/c racing, the talk is usually centered around the vehicles. The track usually plays second fiddle. However, the way a track is built arguably has way more effect on how the race goes versus the way the actual trucks are set up. When it comes to solid axle monster truck [...]
Hey guys, in case you missed it over the weekend, I have finally gotten my hands on the new CEN Racing 1/10 Solid Axle Monster Trucks! I posted unboxing photos right here, and I have a brief video with my initial impressions on my Trigger King R/C YouTube channel right here. While the final review is several weeks out, I have [...]
Calling all solid axle monster truck fans- we have not one, but two of the new CEN Racing Solid Axle Monster Trucks in the house! The red HL150 and bright orange Ford B50, to be more precise. Hey, it ain’t every day that the hobby sees a new release of a truck like this, so anticipation is high. Both of these [...]
After a detour taking me into video game review territory last week, I’m back on terra firma. Yes, time for some old fashioned r/c discussion. To start things off, I know I’ve talked about trying to get my hands on one of the new CEN Racing solid axle monsters (B50 and HL150, respectively) for awhile now, so I’m happy to say [...]
Ok folks, this week in Monster Truck Madness I am taking a VERY hard left from the normal r/c talk, and giving you a quick and dirty review of a video game that came out last week. Yes, of course I’m talking about Monster Jam Steel Titans. For the PS4, specifically (I played it on my PS4 Pro). What I am [...]
Greetings monster truck lovers, welcome to another edition of Monster Truck Madness. I am coming off another fun-filled racing weekend and am absolutely LOVING my BigSquidRC Boss truck. (P.S. thanks to my friend Danny Maass for the sweet photo of it, seen above). I detailed the build of it several months back, and since then I’ve been racing it monthly in my [...]
Have you ever seen pics or videos of solid axle monster trucks racing and thought to yourself, “I wish there were folks that did that around me?” Well, I’m here to tell you that, yes, you can get something rolling like that around you. I am speaking from personal experience here. A few years ago in St. Louis, there was no [...]
Hey gang, it’s been a crazy busy couple of weeks filled with a lot of travel and monster truck action. As I’ve been on the road and in the air, I’ve been alone with my thoughts (always a dangerous thing, ha) and have been pondering many a question. – Is the massive Primal R/C Raminator going to be worth all the [...]
On Saturday, June 1st, the annual BIGFOOT 4×4 Open House took place in Pacific, MO. As is usually the case, it was a veritable smorgasbord of activities for the monster truck lover. Many of the team’s vehicles were on display for fans to get a close up look at, and various other monster machines were on the site as well. There [...]
The 2019 BIGFOOT Open House is nearly here, taking place this Saturday, June 1st! It takes place at the BIGFOOT 4×4 shop in Pacific, MO (outside of St. Louis). It’s a fun celebration of all things monster trucks. You can see several car crushes, both of the modern and old skool variety, get a ride on a monster truck and meet BIGFOOT drivers. Of [...]
The shot above is a screen grab from an Axial Facebook post they put online on a few days ago. They asked for suggestions, should they bring back the SMT10 platform. I figure instead of submitting a comment, why not just devote this week’s MTM to the topic? I’ve been building and racing SMT10s in monster truck competition for 4 years [...]
Hey everyone! It’s been a busy couple of weeks in the monster truck world, so let’s catch up, shall we? Last weekend, the biggest full scale monster truck show in the world was held in Orlando, FL. The Monster Jam World Finals. Piggy backing on the big event was the r/c version of the World Finals. The solid axle trucks were [...]
Ok, my post this week isn’t technically a monster truck, so you’ll have to bare with me. However, it IS monster truck related! At many full size monster truck events throughout the US, you will find all sorts of side entertainment. It may be a mud bog, freestyle motocross or even a wild transforming robot. UTV racing is another one of [...]
I’ve got a personal story that I wanted to share with you all this week. It’s a racing story, and I know Big Squid is mainly a basher-site…but it’s still a monster truck story, so there’s that. So this past weekend my club, Trigger King, kicked off our official 2019 racing season. We are lucky enough to have built up a [...]
Gonna keep it short and sweet this week folks, as I am doing a bunch of traveling and then my r/c monster truck club is preparing for our season opening race this weekend. Over the winter, one of my good buddies brought out a build that he’s been sitting on for oh, over 10 years now. It’s the heavily modified Tamiya [...]