For Bashers, By Bashers!

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Monster Truck Madness - Detailed JConcepts Fling King Tire a…

Hey gang, today we are going to tackle a subject that I’ve been meaning to discuss since last Spring- my impressions of the mega truck styled JConcepts Fling King Tires and Dragon Wheels. A little bit of background before I get into this- last summer my monster truck club raced mega trucks for the entire season. We raced them in mud [...]


Monster Truck Madness – The Mailman Delivers

Before starting the column this week I wanted to just offer condolences to the friends and family of Brian Kinwald. I started reading the r/c car mags back in the early 90’s, and ever since then, he was always “the pro r/c racer”. Icon. The hobby mourns his passing. It’s been awhile since I’ve gotten a reader e-mail that has a [...]


Monster Truck Madness - Some Killer Events You Should Check …

Greetings all, happy Tuesday to all you cats out there in Internet land. This week I wanted to shout out three upcoming solid axle r/c monster truck events that you should absolutely try and attend if you can. Up first is the Solid Showdown in Chesterfield, Virginia. The 2019 5 year anniversary event is scheduled for April 26th thru April 28th at [...]


Monster Truck Madness – High Horse is Alive!

Last week I started the transformation of a Traxxas TRX-4 Sport to an old school monster truck. (P.S. if you missed my post last week, now would be a good time to check it out). In that post I never actually mentioned what body I was going to use, but if you took a hint from the title of the [...]


Monster Truck Madness – Building High Horse

I tend to move quickly when I get really motivated by a project. Last week I wrote about wanting to building an old school style monster truck for the trail, this week the vehicle is sitting on my bench and nearly complete! So the real idea behind this whole “monster truck truck” deal is a throwback to the original monster trucks [...]


Monster Truck Madness – Monster Trail Truck

It’s that magical time again where the ice is FINALLY thawing and hints of green are starting to show in the grass. As I write this, it’s actually 60 degrees here in St. Louis (ok, it’s also stormy as heck, but I won’t complain about the temp!). I’m getting the itch to do some sort of Spring project! Despite all these [...]


Monster Truck Madness - Old Skool Memories of the St. Louis …

My birthday was this past week, February 27th to be exact, and while that’s fine and all, the date is important to me for another reason. On February 27th, 1999, the St. Louis Arena was demolished, which means that last Wednesday was the 20th anniversary. The Arena, called “The Old Barn” or “Checkerdome” by many locals, held many awesome childhood [...]


Monster Truck Madness - Let's talk about that gigantic Ramin…

Hey all, good news- we are almost through winter! Yeah, yeah I know, I can hear many you saying “it’s cold here until May”. I get it. But hey, March is almost here which means spring is coming, which means it’s almost time to go bashing outdoors again! So using that thought as the thinnest of segues, bashing outdoors would be [...]


Monster Truck Madness – Here’s to Race Day

Let me let you in on a little secret, while the Monster Truck Madness blog usually goes up on Tuesday, I usually write them on Sunday. That’s the case this week. And as I’m sitting here sipping my coffee on this fine Sunday, it’s not just any Sunday. Nope, it’s race day! There are few things in life that I enjoy [...]


Monster Truck Madness - Add a Little Zip to Your Ride on the…

I’ve been doing a lot of building lately. Last week I went into detail on my fresh BigSquidRC Boss build, and I’m back in the workshop again, this time building up an Axial SMT10 out of components sourced from several trucks. This truck is going to be racing as what’s called a “Sport Modified” in our club, which means it’s [...]


Monster Truck Madness – The Boss Lives!

The BigSquidRC Boss is alive! At the end of 2018 I posted that I was preparing to build a monster truck with Axial guts on the new ACRC Havoc chassis. Well, I’m happy to share today that not only is the truck finished, but it’s seen competition! Here’s a rundown on what I used. – ACRC Havoc Chassis w/ Sway Bar Kit (combination [...]


Monster Truck Madness – Taking an AXE to a couple letters

Greetings gang, I hope 2019 is treating you well. For me, so far so good. I’m actually writing this week’s blog from a hotel room as I’ve been doing a bit of traveling, but that hasn’t stopped me from doing some monster truck racing! More on that next week, though. I’ve got a couple e-mails to tackle, but before I do [...]


Monster Truck Madness – Homemade Grave Digger Freestyle

Hey guys, another week, another Monster Truck Madness! This week I’ve got something a bit different than the norm, as I wanted to share a special build that reader Stephane Z., aka Werner Sline, sent me. His Grave Digger is a really nice custom-machined piece that is built like a tank. The details from him: – Homemade arc-welded steel axles + link [...]


Monster Truck Madness – I Got It Covered

Greetings all, welcome to another edition of Monster Truck Madness. I’ll be racing for the first time in 2019 next weekend, and the track will be on hard cement. My Blue Bomber truck has been rocking a set of blue compound super soft JConcepts Renegades, which are good for dirt but not so hot for the hard shop floor that the [...]


Monster Truck Madness – She’s Coming Along

This week I wanted to give you a couple project updates, and I’ll start with the BigSquidRC Boss. As you can see from the pic above, it’s getting close! I haven’t had a chance to glue the new JConcepts JCT tires or paint the planetary caps, but I’ll be doing that this evening. Other than that, I’m just waiting on the [...]

