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Hey gang, how’s it going? ICYMI, earlier this week we posted our review of the RC4WD 1/18 Gelande II RTR Black Rock Edition. It’s a cool little platform that you’re going to see me discuss a bit more in the near future. I’m gonna keep this week’s post really short and get to the good stuff. Here is video that [...]
Hey folks, Doug here with another edition of MTM. It’s FINALLY time for some monster truck racing, as here in St. Louis, MO we are kicking off the 2018 Trigger King Jamboree Series this weekend. I’m heading into battle with three modified Axial SMT10s, a platform that I adore, and I thought some of you would be interested to see a [...]
The crew at RC4WD have been on a tear the last couple of years, releasing a variety of rigs to please scale off-roading enthusiasts. They recently announced a new series of four 1/18 Gelande II RTR Crawlers, and we’ve been giving the business to one of them in particular -the Black Rock Edition. What’s our verdict? Read on to find [...]
You know what makes me break down and cry? It’s seeing a rig that’s totally tricked out with almost every aluminum option part, a custom body and aftermarket tires…that’s also using an RTR caliber steering servo. The humanity! This year marks 25 years in the hobby for me, and in that time I’ve really only come to appreciate a quality servo [...]
Well, look what we have here – a pair of the just announced RC4WD 1/18 Gelande II RTR Crawlers! We have the gunmetal colored Black Rock edition as well as the baby-blue D90 version. We are about to get busy on our full review, but we wanted to first show you what it looks like when you crack the box on [...]
If you’ve been scaling for any decent length of time you’ve probably driven through water in some capacity. Whenever it comes to that subject, the discussion usually centers on whether your electronics can handle it or not. Rarely are the tires a concern…but they should be! Waterlogged tires can really drag down the performance of your rig. They can get really [...]
Greeting folks and a Happy Friday to you! There are several niches of the hobby that, while different, seem to naturally pair well with scaling. Drifting. Solid axle monster trucks. Construction equipment. Boating. That last one is particularly interesting to me as of late. It’s pretty common to see boats on trailers at scale get-togethers. Many times, before a run starts they [...]
In case you missed it, earlier this week we posted about a big scale event that we are hosting in tandem with the STL R/C Freaks. The crew has been kicking around the idea of this since late-Fall and now that the details are in the wild, we can talk a little more about it. We had actually talked quite a bit [...]
Hey all, Happy Friday to ye’. Time to talk paint. Last week I was doing a simple JConcepts Ford F-250 rattle can job, painting a truck solid pink (don’t ask!). Yes, that dark orange body at the top of this page was supposed to be pink. Whoops. I’m decent at solid color paint jobs these days, having done around 75 probably, but [...]
Wow, last week’s Scalin’ blog about how I got Das Boot from a local park when wheeling the Marlin Crawler really got you guys fired up. Lots of e-mails and also some great comments. It seems a lot of you have been having this same problem. However, some did offer possible solutions. The most interesting response came from commenter “John D.” who [...]
As I was finishing up photography on our Marlin Crawler Trail Finder 2 review last week (p.s. the link for that is here, it’s a truck that I like A LOT), my stomach sank as I was walking back to my car. I was being approached by a confused looking police offer. Gulp. Now, at this time I was by myself [...]
What happens when RC4WD enters into a partnership with acclaimed full scale off-roader Marlin Czajkowski? The RC4WD Marlin Crawler Trail Finder 2 RTR is the result. How does this little ‘yota perform? Read on to find out… From: RC4WD Direct Link: RC4WD Marlin Crawler Trail Finder 2 RTR Review By: Doug Welker Photography By: Doug Welker Specs: RTR or Kit: RTR Age: 14+ 2wd or 4wd: 4wd Shaft or Belt: Shaft Electric or Gas: Electric Waterproof: Yes Scale: 1/10 Wheelbase: [...]
In case you missed it, earlier this week RC4WD announced their new Terrain RTR w/ Crusher body set. This new chassis looks to be an updated version of the Gelande platform with several notable upgrades. It comes out of the box with their K44 axles, which are really nice. I’ve never owned a rig with these, but several good friends have [...]
It’s hard to muster up much enthusiasm this week, what-with the ‘big news’, but soldier on we must. Ugh, what crappy news. Moving on to more jovial matters, we are working on several scaler reviews that you’ll be seeing pop up over the next couple of weeks. I should be done with the RC4WD Marlin Crawler Trail Finder 2 soon , [...]
Monster Truck Madness is back, oh yes! With JConcepts releasing the Fling King and Dragon Mega Truck tires/wheels, my club, Trigger King, is going to be racing a mega class for the summer of 2018. In preparation for this, I have just converted my Rotten Apple SMT10 to mega mode. While I changed a few things around with the electronics to both [...]