For Bashers, By Bashers!

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Everybody’s Scalin’ – The Great Indoors

The brutal cold weather that’s engulfed most of the nation finally did me in this week. I have had zero trigger time. After all these years of running in the cold, -5 degrees is where I apparently draw the line. At least it’s dry though, which is more than most of you snowed-in east coasters can say!  It’s been a [...]


Axial Racing Trail Honcho SCX10 II RTR

Everybody’s Scalin’ – On The Brink of 2018

Hard to believe 2017 is nearly over, but here we are on the precipice of 2018. It was a crazy year, one that saw the balance of power shift quite a bit in the scale world. Instead of a look back though, here’s a few of my predictions for what I see happening in the coming year. Axial makes a fierce [...]


Review – Traxxas TRX-4 Tactical Unit

Fresh off taking the win in our scaler shoot-out, the Traxxas TRX-4 makes a return with a newer model, the TRX-4 Tactical Unit. How does this militaristic machine stack up? What’s different? Read-on to find out! From: Traxxas Direct Link: TRX-4 Tactical Unit Unboxing Pictures: BSRC Unboxes The TRX-4 Tactical Unit Review By: Doug Welker Photography By: Doug Welker Specs: RTR or Kit: RTR Age: 14+ 2wd or 4wd: 4wd Shaft or Belt: Shaft Electric or [...]


RC4WD Stamped Steel Wheels

Everybody’s Scalin’ – Erroneous Repairs

It’s been a crazy end to 2017 around here, so I wanted to lighten the mood as many of us head into a much needed holiday break and talk about something I saw in a Facebook group. A buddy of mine shared the question “What is the most erroneous repair job you’ve ever done on an r/c before?” To give an [...]


Everybody’s Scalin’ – Venturing Out

It’s been about a month and a half since we finished our HPI Venture FJ review, and I’ve since put in quite a bit more time on the truck. I wanted to give some updated thoughts, especially after driving so many other rigs recently. Let’s talk about the Toyota, shall we? I really enjoy how this truck is laid out from [...]


Everybody’s Scalin’ – RC4WD Marlin Crawler Impressions

I’ve been really wanting to talk about the RC4WD Marlin Crawler Trail Finder 2, but had to wait until after the shootout went live. I can now discuss it in full! The most impressive vehicle to me was actually the Marlin. No, it didn’t outperform many of the trucks it was doing battle with, but it managed to hang with ’em. [...]


Everybody’s Scalin’ – Pro-Line is Killin’ It

It was a very big week for body announcements! Back in May I posted a personal “Top 5 Bodies Wishlist“, and Pro-Line has answered the bell for my #1 request, just in time for the holidays to boot. I may not be a Mopar guy, but damn if the Power Wagon isn’t the toughest looking truck of all time. Yes, even this [...]


Everybody’s Scalin’ – Black Friday Edition

Greetings gang, I hope you had a most excellent Thanksgiving! Black Friday is upon us and there are great to deals to be had no matter what you are in to, whether it’s home stereo or electric guitars. The r/c scaling space is no different. In years past I’ve listed several small trinkets that I thought would make for good stocking stuffers [...]


Everybody’s Scalin’ – All Aboard, Next Stop the Holidays

Crazy how fast this year has gone, as we are on the precipice of my favorite week. Thanksgiving week, that is. I’m a big fan for one simple reason, as I’m sure many of you are – it’s typically the shortest work week of the year! Around 4 years ago I started a tradition of doing a “holiday build” during the [...]


Unboxing the Traxxas TRX-4 Tactical Unit

Hey all, Doug here. The Traxxas TRX-4 Tactical Unit has just landed upon our doorstep, and before it’s given the requisite BSRC flogging, we thought you’d like to see what it looks like when you crack open the box. Upon opening the cardboard, one is greeted to a very tough, militaristic looking vehicle. Our full review is several weeks away, but until [...]


Everybody’s Scalin’ – Spintires: Mudrunner

It’s a super exciting time for scaling. Axial just announced an updated version of the SCX10.2. Vaterra just announced a sweet Ford truggy version of the Ascender. The RC4WD Marlin is hitting stores. We just completed our 1.9 Scaler Shoot-out. There’s a lot going on, folks. Before getting into the topic at hand, I just wanted to mention that I will [...]


Everybody’s Scalin’ – Bustin’ Broncs

Traxxas made a big splash this week with several big announcements pertaining to the TRX-4 platform. The first, and most “visual”, of the announcements was that a Bronco shell will be available. No word on the wheelbase of the body, but it will most likely be the same as the Defender, right under 13″. It’ll come in red and sunset. Hopefully [...]


Everybody’s Scalin’ – Tuff Trucks

This week I wanted to share a winter project with you. Yeah, I know it’s not technically winter, but still. Close enough. My group of friends has long been wanting to add a “tuff truck” class to our monster truck racing club. For those unfamiliar with what that is, it’s a form of full size off-road racing that’s popular on the [...]


Review – HPI Venture Toyota FJ Cruiser

The HPI Venture Toyota FJ Cruiser is finally here. Was it worth the wait? Let’s cut to the chase and find out. From: HPI Racing Direct Link: HPI Venture Toyota FJ Cruiser Unboxing: BSRC Unboxes the Venture FJ Review By: Doug Welker Photography By: Doug Welker Specs: RTR or Kit: RTR 2wd or 4wd: 4wd Shaft or Belt: Shaft Electric or Gas: Electric Scale: 1/10th Length: 20.7″ (527mm) Width: 9″ (227mm) Height: 9.4″ (238mm) with roof rack, 8.5″ [...]


Thunder Tiger Toyota Hilux 1/12 Pickup Truck Review

From: Thunder Tiger Direct Link: 1/12th Toyota Hilux Pickup RTR Review By: Doug Welker Photography By: Doug Welker Specs: RTR or Kit: RTR 2wd or 4wd: 4wd Shaft or Belt: Shaft Electric or Gas: Electric Scale: 1/12th Length: 372 mm Width: 177.8 mm Wheelbase: 225mm Weight: 2.4 lbs with included battery Motor: Brushed 380 Size Speed Controller: WP-1040 Low Voltage Cut-off: Yes Radio: 2.4 ghz TF-3 Differentials: Locked Shocks: Friction Servo Saver: Yes Screws: Metric/Hex Tires: Thunder Tiger Battery: 850mah Li-Ion 7.4V Part Number: T6603-F132-A1 Warranty: “Thunder Tiger Corporation guarantees this [...]

