For Bashers, By Bashers!

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Everybody’s Scalin’ – Eliminator Pulling Sled Project

Yeah, so this is a post that’s been waaaaaay overdue. Last year I wrote about how I had scored a classic Hobbico MaxTrax Eliminator Pulling Sled, with the plans to cover my restoration of it. Well, as it always does for projects, time got away from me. Fear not though, for the sled came out great! I had to strip every single [...]


Monster Truck Madness #23 – Basher Tires

Whenever I’m waxing poetic about something, it’s typically solid-axle monster related. Since Pro-Line up and released the new PRO-MT 4×4, I figure we should shift attention to indy-suspension bash trucks for a week. There are so many kick-ass bashing monsters nowadays that it’s hard to keep track of what’s what, and that’s across a variety of scales as well. With a myriad [...]


Everybody’s Scalin’ – A Whole Lotta Stuff Going On

Apologies for missing a few usual posts the last couple weeks, but it’s been crazy around here. It’ll be 4 years helping out the Big Squid crew later this month for me, and with no hyperbole I can say the last couple weeks have been the busiest. We have a ton of scaler content about ready to drop over the next month, [...]


Unboxing Video – Thunder Tiger 1/12 Toyota Hilux RTR

The Thunder Tiger 1/12 Toyota Hilux RTR has just been released to the public at large, and we’ve scored one to wheel hard for a review. While we are still a few weeks away from rendering a final verdict, here’s a brief unboxing video to show what you’ll find when opening up the little ‘Yota.


Everybody’s Scalin’ – 1.9″ Tire Size Reference

I think most would agree that owning a 1.9 rig is what gives you the true scaling experience. The “training wheel” guys may disagree (aka 2.2), but 1.9’s are definitely the most popular, if nothing else. Given that most of us don’t have access to truly mountainous and/or wild environments to play in right around our houses, it’s usually the best combination [...]


Unboxing - HPI Racing Venture Toyota FJ Cruiser RTR 4WD Scal…

Well, lookie here now! The UPS man just dropped off a very important box- the long awaited HPI Racing Venture FJ Cruiser RTR 4WD Scale Crawler! For those that don’t follow scale crawling, this rig has been anticipated for a very long time. It’s also a significant release even if you have no interest in scaling as it’s one of the flagship [...]


Monster Truck Madness #22 – Stage 2.5

My good buddy Travis Sutton is always building really cool project trucks. You may remember his BIGFOOT Ranger that I posted recently. He’s been at it again! He recently built a Stage 2.5 (more on this in a minute) leaf spring equipped monster truck chassis for another friend of mine, Colby Marshall. Quick plug to Colby- if you enjoy watching TheMonsterBlog [...]


Everybody’s Scalin’ – When Enough is Enough

A crawling group can be a fickle beast. Most of the time it’s a gathering of buddies swapping stories and parts. A great way to spend the afternoon outdoors. There are certain individuals that can make it difficult, though. I’ve been lucky in that my group, while being fairly large, has always been made up of great guys and girls. I’ve only [...]


Everybody’s Scalin’ – Portal to Another Dimension

Much ballyhoo has been made about the Traxxas TRX-4 using portal axles, but based on the e-mails we receive I understand that some of you don’t really understand what these are or why they are on the truck in the first place. Let’s talk about them. There are various versions of the portal, but at their heart they all work the [...]


Monster Truck Madness #21 – Vintage Re-Release Wishlist

Re-releasing classic vehicles is definitely the “in” thing to do in the hobby these days, but with the exception of Tamiya’s offerings (my 2015 Blackfoot, pictured above, rocks my socks), most of the vehicles getting love are decidedly non-monster truck. Hey, I think the Kyosho Optimas and OG RC10’s are as cool as the next guy, but being an old school [...]


Everybody’s Scalin’ – Scaler Mailbag

It’s a bit of a slow news week around here and I’ve had a couple messages floating around in queue for just such an occasion. Let’s get to them, shall we? hi! i saw that you guys are trying out the Hitec HS-5646WP and i’d like to put one in my trx4 just like the article. my question is, did you need to [...]


Everybody’s Scalin’ – The Coyote is G6 Certified

Let me start off this holiday weekend edition of Scalin’ by sending my well wishes to all of you Texas and Louisiana readers. I also wanted to give a big “Hello” to my friend Howard from Houston, TX. He owns a HobbyTown USA and, while it sounds like they were spared from the flooding, I just want to let you [...]


Monster Truck Madness #20 – MST MTX-1 Teasers

The MST MTX-1 solid axle monster truck has been teased quite a bit over the last month, and enough has now been shown where I think it’s worth having a preliminary discussion. The first thing I should say is that I’m excited for another SA truck to hit the market. I’m not super familiar with the MST brand, but I’ve heard good [...]


Everybody’s Scalin’ – You May Be an OG Crawler/Scaler If?

Greetings all. Top o’ the weekend to you! As crawling/scaling has reached maturity, it’s always fun to think back and reminisce about what used to be. This week I thought I’d put together a funny list that many of you old timers can hopefully relate to. You may be an OG Scaler and/or crawler if: – You remember the X-Trail chassis. – You’re [...]


Everybody’s Scalin’ – Explaining the BEC

A BEC is one of the most important upgrades you can make to your scaler, but it’s also one of the most confusing. While noobs are not surprisingly usually a bit in the dark on what one is, even long time hobbyists can sometimes be aloof. Let’s start with the “what”. A BEC (Battery Eliminator Circuit) is a device that allows [...]

