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Another week, more time spent with our TRX4. I ****-you-not, our review vehicle has had more miles put on the odometer in one month than several of our scalers have had put on them during their entire lives. I’ve also never seen so much interest in a vehicle from the non-hardcore crawlers at BSRC. I mean, even Cubby is gaga over [...]
Happy TRX-4 release week everyone! Most hobby shops have gotten their initial allotment in, and crawling groups, message boards and YouTube channels are lighting up with first run experiences. I’ve been taking in a good number of these impressions and it’s good to hear that the general public by and large seems to have come to the same conclusion that [...]
Last week JConcepts announced a very cool new body for monster truckers- the “Grandma” 1951 Ford Panel Truck. One of the most iconic monster truck bodies of them all. No doubt several of you are curious as to what the “Grandma” is in reference to, though. The official press release gives a nod but isn’t explicit. “Grandma” is the nickname that [...]
I’d assume that most anyone reading this weekly scaling blog has probably already read our Traxxas TRX-4 review, but in case you haven’t you can click here to check it out. I’ve got to give it to Traxxas here- instead of jumping into the crawling game with a “me-too” rig several years ago when everyone was clamoring for them to, they [...]
With Memorial Weekend just around the corner, business is about to pick up! We spoke with HPI earlier this week and were notified that our Venture FJ Cruiser review kit will be showing up very soon! Not only that, but they reiterated their confidence in the vehicle and dared us to drive it like we stole it. Challenge accepted. You may think “well duh, every [...]
One of the most popular monster truck themed questions I get is, “What’s better, a Clod or shaft truck?”. This is probably the most asked question in the solid axle community. It’s also a very tricky one to answer as both types of vehicles have significant advantages and disadvantages. While I cannot give you a definitive answer, I can tell you [...]
It seems like every week we are getting a press release from a company showing off another cool, classic body. Despite their being an abundance of good looking, niche satisfying stuff on the market, I thought it would be fun to share my personal “Top 5 Bodies I Wish Someone Would Release” list. Quick caveat before we begin- these are bodies I wish [...]
A few weeks ago Cubby touched on the coming 3D printing revolution in the Cub Report, and this week I wanted to elaborate a bit more on that. While it’s starting to catch on in other segments of the hobby now, it’s really big in scaling circles already. There are several prominent individuals in the community that can pretty much pump out [...]
Over the weekend I attended the annual BIGFOOT 4×4 Open House in Pacific, MO and helped to put on an r/c monster truck race with my Trigger King friends. There were a lot of cool looking r/c’s and full scale rigs, but the vehicle that has everyone in the solid axle community buzzing is the replica BIGFOOT Ranger that was [...]
It never fails that after I submit my weekly Scalin’ on a Friday morning, some kind of news breaks later in the day. Seems there is a lot of that going on lately. The “Traxxas Scaler” now has a name, the TRX-4, as well as proper photos showing a pre-production model doing its thing in the wild. The Land Rover Defender body looks [...]
Ever since the announcement of Redcat’s Everest GEN-7 scaler was made, we have gotten e-mails from fans of the company begging us to talk about it (sometimes in not-so-nice terms). The reason it hasn’t been talked about much is because it’s not an actual physical product yet. That said, with the 3D renders out there as well the price point, I’ll [...]
When two r/c monster trucks are together in the same place at the same time, be it toy grade or the latest 6S bashing animal, it’s only natural to want to race them. And if you’re gonna race them, why not use a makeshift course similar to the real thing? Whether you are just having some fun at the bash spot with [...]
When talking about modern amenities like brushless and lipo, I’ve often poked fun at how different scaling would be should those not exist. For laughs, let’s talk about what scaling probably would’ve been like, would it of gotten popular sometime in the 90’s. First of all, a big trail run would be a heck of a lot smaller than nowadays thanks to [...]
I thought it would be pertinent to tackle a topic that I once wrote something about 3 years ago, as where I was somewhat in the middle back then, I definitely have a solid opinion now. Back when I originally wrote that, my view was skewed towards using a high turn brushed motor on 3S power because it was cheaper and, in [...]
Given that I’m a loudmouth constantly spouting off about the greatness of solid axle monster trucks, you may see the question posed in the title of this article and immediately assume my answer is “YES”. That’s not the case though. As much as I enjoy working on and driving them, they can be fickle beasts and therefore aren’t necessarily for everyone. I’m [...]