For Bashers, By Bashers!

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Monster Truck Madness #4: The T-Maxx Conquers the World

It’s hard to believe that the launch of the Traxxas T-Maxx was 18 years ago. There have been a lot of releases before and since, but nothing compares to the seismic shift that occured in this industry back in 1999. Given how much time has passed (I was a sophomore in high school!), I’m sure there are many of you that [...]


Everybody's Scalin' - 2.4 ghz Radios Made Modern Scaling Pos…

I was recently at a local racing facility bumming around when I happened to see a relic of a bygone era hanging on the wall- a Frequency Board. That really brought back memories! For those unaware of what a frequency board is/was, it’s a big piece of wood that has clothespins hanging on it. Each section is labeled with a specific frequency of [...]


Everybody’s Scalin’ – Yar, Thar Be Pirates In These Waters

Piracy within the scaler community has gotten pretty crazy of late. No, I don’t mean someone has mounted a Galleon hull to a solid axle truck – though I’m sure someone has done that – it’s foreign made, blatant rip-off parts that I’m talking about. This has always been a thing within the hobby. Heck, last month while Christmas shopping [...]


Monster Truck Madness #3 – Lock & Load

Whether you have a Clod or shaft truck, differential preference seems to be the super important subject that no one really talks about. It’s just not as sexy as discussing, say, brushless options or what tires to use. Locked, open, one axle locked and the other open, limited slip…so many choices! Before getting into the r/c discussion, let’s talk about how [...]


Everybody’s Scalin’ – 4 Wheel Steer Talk

Hola scalin’ faithful. Welcome to 2017, a year of great promise. Sorry, perhaps it’s blinding optimism, but I don’t subscribe to thought that seems to permeate with many that “it’s only gonna get worse”. Don’t have time for that! Hey, so this week I want to talk about 4 wheel steering (4WS). 4WS was mainly a monster truck thing until competition [...]


Everybody’s Scalin’ – Enter the Rock Rey

So much for the end of the year having a slow news cycle, eh? Out of nowhere, Team Losi has announced the Rock Rey RTR Rock Racer (say that 5 times fast!). It has a Yeti style solid rear/ IFS front setup with more of an RR10 Bomber style and stance. As far as looks go, they knocked this one out of the park. If [...]


Product Spotlight – RC4WD Chevrolet Blazer Body Set

RC4WD is known throughout the hobby as the kings of the detailed hard body. We finally had the chance to get our hands on their Chevrolet Blazer Body Set to see what it was all about. Read on to see what we thought. From: RC4WD Direct Link: Chevrolet Blazer Body Set Specifications:Injection Molded Plastic LED Lighting Compatible Wheelbase: 11.3in / 287mm Width of Body: 8.78in / 223mm Width [...]


Monster Truck Madness #2: Shaving a Set of RC4WD Rumbles

One is not a true monster trucker until they experience the taste of burnt rubber, at least once, by way of cutting/shaving a set of tires. Monster truck tire cutting is an art that dates back to the late 80’s, but it came into vogue during the early 90’s when modern racing began. The then-standard 66″ flotation tires that companies like Goodyear [...]


Everybody’s Scalin’ – Getting the Most of Your RTR Tires

As Christmas approaches, there is a good chance that a number of you may wind up with a fancy new scaler under your tree. There’s an even better chance that it will be of the RTR variety. And if that is indeed the case, it probably has some bunk tires. Tires are usually the most important thing on any r/c vehicle, [...]


New Bi-Weekly Column: Monster Truck Madness

Heya folks. Doug here. I write the Everybody’s Scalin’ series that runs Friday afternoons. Now I’m writing this as well! Yes, that’s right, I’ve finally begged and pleaded enough for the brass to let me have a regular monster truck column. I love scaling, but monster trucks have always been the thing closest to my heart. I’ve been hardcore into them [...]


Everybody’s Scalin’ – Please Forgive Me

It’s always interesting to see when certain things I write get people all hot and bothered. Last week was one of those times that I unknowingly struck a nerve. When giving recommendations for a first scaler to an inquisitive noob  I opined that a Sawback should not be on the list. Boy did I catch some hell for that! Comments, e-mails and [...]


Everybody’s Scalin’ – What Should He Get?

Answering questions around here is normally within the domain of Cubby, but it’s been awhile since I’ve answered any directly through the site and I recently had a good one tossed my way, so here goes: Big Squid, I am ready to get into scaling and have narrowed my choices down to (not in any particular order): ·         Vaterra Ascender Kit ·    [...]


Everybody’s Scalin’ – Looking Ahead to 2017

Crazy to think that it’s already December and 2016 is nearly at an end. It’s been an interesting year in scale crawlers, one that saw the explosive growth of the past few give way to maturity. Most of the big releases were not new platforms but refined and updated versions of previous kits (Axial SCX102, Vaterra Ascender, RC4WD Trail Finder 2). Well, [...]


Everybody’s Scalin’ – Black Friday Edition

It’s Black Friday and that means people here in the States have shopping on the brain. While the following isn’t exactly a detailed buyer’s guide, here’s five ideas for those of you looking to get the scaler in your life (maybe that’s yourself, ha) a cheap gift or two. None of the following are paid placements or thinly veiled ads; they are just some odds [...]


Everybody’s Scalin’ – A Real Scorcher Out There

I hope I’m not thrown off the island for talking about this in this space, but as the Thanksgiving holiday approaches and the temperatures start to slowly inch downwards I’m looking at doing my annual “I don’t really need this but it sure looks cool!” winter project…and I’m leaning towards a buggy! “Hey, buggies aren’t scalers, ya dope!”, you say. Yep [...]

