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Hello gang, I hope everyone is having a most fantastic Friday. I’ve spent the past week starting the mod process on my SMT10 and want to show off what I’ve done thus far. Remember those recently announced JConcepts Ford bodies? One of them magically found its way to my mailbox, specifically a ’93 Super Cab. The early 90’s were a glorious time for monster trucking, so [...]
The time has come for my big fall project, and oh, what a glorious build it shall be. The first RC4WD Trail Finder 2 that I got my hands on was the red RTR rig we used for the review. It’s since been beaten on pretty good by way of numerous product reviews and general usage. She’s in good shape for the [...]
Fresh off the teaser of their new Renegade tires earlier this week, JConcepts is at it again, this time displaying several new bodies as well as another set of monster truck tires at the Trigger King R/C race held this weekend near St. Louis, MO. Up first is their 1993 Ford Supercab, as seen above. It has a wheelbase of around [...]
Apologies for no column last week, gang. I wound up being caught in travel with (gasp) no internet connection where I was staying. I’ll try not to let that happen again! Anyways, on to it. Over the last couple weeks, various staffers have been posting reviews of Duratrax scaling tires. You can click here for the 1.9 Approach and here for [...]
JConcepts has just released a teaser picture of a new monster truck tire & wheel, which is mounted up to an Axial SMT10 Grave Digger. The 2.6 sized tire (Clod), called the Renegade (as seen on the sidewall), has a very aggressive tread that mimics a hand carved 66″ Goodyear Terra that has long been popular with full size trucks. Many long [...]
From: Duratrax Direct Link: Scaler CR Mounted 1.9” Review By: Doug Welker Pictures By: Doug Welker Specs: Size: 1.9″ Tire Height: 4.6″ Tire Compound: Duratrax C3 Pre-Mounted: Yes Wheel Hex Size: 12mm Beadlock Design: No Price: $25.99 Competition: A myriad of 1.9 scale tires from the likes of RC4WD, Axial, Pro-Line, & Pit Bull. Build Quality: The pre-mounted Duratrax wheels look fantastic and feel as sturdy as any other quality non-aluminum/steel 1.9 wheel on the market. The [...]
Axial has done it. There is finally a legit, ready to run solid axle monster truck about to hit the market. This has been a loooooong time coming. First off, many long time readers know I love monster trucks. Look, I love scale 4×4’s and trailing….but I LOOOOOVE me some monster trucks. Full size monsters are my first memory as a [...]
Last week’s column on scaling stereotypes was some of the most fun I’ve had writing for Big Squid. Based on reader response, it would seem that it was the case for many of you as well. So with Axialfest going on this weekend and the odds that some news will break during it (outside of the SCX102 RTR which was just [...]
Many of us that have been trailing for a good amount of time seem to see the same type of personalities come and go – ESPECIALLY those in a club or group. I figure the time is right to poke some fun at the stereotypes that have cropped up over the years. And before I get any angry e-mails, please remember this [...]
Two weeks ago I posted that I planned to go on vacation with my scaler, and asked if any experienced readers had tips to share. Boy, did you guys ever come out in force! Thank you to everyone who replied. Here are a couple I find particularly informative. The first was from Daniel S. He is part of the RC4WD Recon G6 team [...]
Whenever a hobbyist becomes interested enough in the world of r/c truck & tractor pulling to try and stick their toes in the water, the first thing that comes to mind with most is probably the actual pulling vehicle. This subject isn’t that difficult to find information on though, at least not if one is good with Google. Heck, thanks [...]
Before getting into the topic at hand, big kudos to RC4WD for hiring Richard Trujillo and John Thornton. While I do not know either personally, I have been following their work for years via message boards. Trujillo is also especially notable as of late because he is the brains behind the Vaterra Ascender. Huge get for RC4WD. Ok, back to our [...]
My wife and I have booked a week long northern California trip for this fall, so naturally the first thing to hit my mind was “How can I get my scaler out there safely so I can trail in the mountains?” This is the question that many of us ask when heading to a vacation destination with cool terrain. I blame [...]
There have been several big kit announcements recently, and with them have come a good amount of reader feedback. In response to our blurb about the RR10 Bomber kit, one reader wrote- “The prices of kits are too damn high!”- Neal S. Now look, before saying anything else, Neal is a long time BSRC reader and fan. He’s a good dude [...]
Like many of you out there, I have an SCX10 II pre-ordered and am anxiously awaiting the shipping notice. And while waiting on the post man is never a good thing, it does give me a minute to wax poetic about where things stand right now in this corner of the industry. I view the SCX10 II as the jumping off [...]