For Bashers, By Bashers!

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Monster Truck Madness – SMT Upgrades and Dual Motor ESC’s

Hey gang, happy Thursday! This week we are heading to the mailbag! Hello, We just got an Axial SMT10 Grave Digger from tower hobbies. We’re planning to race against a 2WD Traxxas Stampede that has the Traxxas brushless upgrade. So, I’ve been chatting with a man from Holmes Hobbies to try to find the best brushless set up for our SMT10. My question for you is: [...]


Monster Truck Madness – A Racing Clod

Hey everyone and Happy Thursday! It’s a bit of a slow news week and I’ve been lazy with my current monster truck projects so I’m going to answer an e-mail that I received about 2 weeks ago from reader Voldemart07. Hey Doug I have been in the rc hobby for about 8 years and I want to build a race clod [...]


Monster Truck Madness – Gettin’ After It

Hello everyone and a Happy 2023 to you! I wound up spending the last two weeks at home, and given it’s been a long time since I’ve done that I had totally forgotten how time kind of just ceases to be and all days roll into one while on a long holiday break. It was nice getting back to the normal [...]


Monster Truck Madness – Predictions for 2023

Greetings gang! I hope your holidays were happy and that you find yourself surrounded by all sorts of new r/c gear! As we are preparing to flip the calendar over to 2023, I wanted to make a few predictions for the year to come. Let’s get to it.Losi LMT Sees a Refresh The Losi LMT has been out for two years [...]


Monster Truck Madness – Wanting a Proper Old School Monster

Hey gang and Happy Holidays! As many of us head into a work break between Christmas and New Year’s, and I wanted to do a quick follow-up on my “What is a Retro RC Monster Truck?” post. The time is right for an r/c company to release a scale old school monster truck. I’ll do my annual “predictions” column in a week [...]


Monster Truck Madness – RC SnowRunner

Hey gang and Happy Thursday to you! Every now and then in this space I’ve discussed my love of the SnowRunner / Spintires series of video games. I recently got a Tamiya Globe Liner to build into a truck for purposes such as this (more details on the build coming soon here, as I’m already modifying it!). Well, last weekend I [...]


Monster Truck Madness – What is a Retro RC Monster Truck?

Hey folks, Doug here and Happy Friday! Sorry this is coming out a day late, but I was on the road all of yesterday! What is a Retro RC Monster Truck? This is a subject I’ve been wanting to tackle for awhile now. It’s a very opinionated topic in the r/c monster truck world. I recorded a video on the topic and [...]


Monster Truck Madness – Stocking Stuffer Tools

Hey folks, and Happy December 1st! Those of you who are either shopping for an r/c nut or that ARE an r/c nut looking to give cheap gift ideas to friends/family, you are in luck today as I’m about to dish! And I’m not going to be talking full on trucks or kits- I’m talking tools! The often neglected part of the [...]


Monster Truck Madness – Happy Thanksgiving, Turkeys

Hey everyone, it’s Thanksgiving here in the States so I want to give a hearty “Happy Thanksgiving” to everyone out there! I just hit my 9 year anniversary writing weekly for Big Squid, and I wanted to say thanks to all of you for reading, many of whom I’ve become friends with. It never stops being wild to me that you [...]


Monster Truck Madness – Plans for the Max Smasher

Heya folks and Happy Friday to you! I hope ya’ll enjoyed both the written and video reviews of the FMS Max Smasher Monster Truck that were posted last week. Long story short- I enjoy the Max Smasher. I’m kind of surprised it’s taken a company this long to do a quality micro scale solid axle monster, but one now exists. And it [...]


Monster Truck Madness- Gear Jammin’ Rig Jockey

I want to thank the folks who wrote me in response to last week’s blog that I wrote– in particular reader Sean Melgarez who sent me a treasure trove of info on r/c heavy truckin’. I’m going to feature some of his builds in this space in the near future. The most poignant message was from fellow Squid Martin who shot [...]


Monster Truck Madness – Figuring Out How To Haul

Greetings all and Happy Thursday to you! Before getting on to my dilemma which is the subject of the MTM this week, the pic at the top of the page is that of my Traxxas TRX-4 High Trail running over some full sized crushed cars with some help from JConcepts Ranger 2.2 Tires. I’ve written about this truck a few different [...]


Monster Truck Madness – All The Small And Big Things

Hello gang and Happy Thursday to ya’s! Well, it’s sure been a furious week of releases, hasn’t it? Let’s tackle ’em here, along with some notes about what’s coming in this space over the next couple of weeks. First up, the big announcement of a small truck. After weeks of teasing, the FMS Max Smasher 1/24 Monster Truck was officially unveiled. There [...]


Monster Truck Madness – Big Ol’ Bodies

Hey gang and Happy Thursday to ya’ll out there! Today was a big (no pun intended) news day for large scale truckers out there! Pro-Line announced a Ford body for the X-Maxx, and a Chevy body for the SCX6 (plus a bunch of other stuff for various other scales). The 1956 Ford F-100 for the X-Maxx looks siiiiick with those new belted [...]


Monster Truck Madness - Lewis Hamilton Shows Love to the Lun…

F1’s x7 champion megastar Lewis Hamilton has sure been showing some love as of late to his r/c roots, and in a very cool video the Mercedes-AMG Petronas shared last week, Hamilton was seen bombing around in one of the coolest old school r/c’s, the Tamiya Lunchbox. The team also shared the above photo via their Facebook page. This warms my [...]

