For Bashers, By Bashers!

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Blade Continues Multirotor with new 200QX

Blade Helicopters announced another ship for the fleet, the 200 QX. Built as an upgrade to the 180QX HD, the 200QX is a brushless powered, LED lit, SAFE technology quadcopter brother with the good looks of the 350QX. It has impressive specifications:SAFE™ Technology equipped Three flight modes High performance brushless motors Internal LED illumination for easy orientation and night flying Optional camera available separatelyOffered currently only as [...]


Raging Rotors News: Best preview image, ever!

…Because there isn’t one!!! Horizon Hobby decided to shake things up in their Blade helicopter line by teasing not a picture, but a sound clip. The full announcement is next week, but crank up your speakers and check out the clip on Soundcloud!


Raging Rotors – Check Yourself Before You Wreck Yourself

Hey guys, Ragu here with this weeks Raging Rotors, focusing this week on the art of quadcopter blade replacement, plus a few tidbits about stuff going on in the heli world. Now with every great pilot comes a few great crash or freak out stories: I’ve tried using the GPS on my Blade 350QX  when I forgot to wait for signal [...]


Raging Rotor News: For the Cause! DIY Quad Supplies via Kick…

Looking to DIY some RC without too much of the Y? I have found a new source to try out new and interesting multirotor projects: Kickstarter. Granted not a standard method of looking for RC, but you would be surprised what kind of projects you can find in the technology section of that site, besides the means of providing [...]


Unboxing: Align 150 DFC Bind to Fly

As I mentioned in my first Raging Rotors about a week ago, the Align 150 DFC Bind-to-Fly helicopter was on its way to shelves. Not 48 hours after that, I was graced with a new 150 DFC for all my hard work. Below are pictures from the unboxing of my Align 150 DFC helicopter. It retails for around $270, and can [...]


Raging Rotors: Better than a Sit-n-Spin!

Hey guys, Ragu here to make your Wednesday a bit brighter with this week’s Raging Rotors. This week I’ll give my impressions on what I found are great quadcopters for you beginning pilots. As a basher, I always want my new RC to be durable as well as forgiving when I make mistakes.  When it came to quadcopters, I tried [...]


KBDD Neon CF Blades

Raging Rotors: Heli news with attitude!

Hey guys, HobbyTown Kevin (aka Ragu, or whatever nickname ends up sticking) here with the first installment of a feature focusing on helicopters, flying, new products, products I like to make mention, and some mini reviews as I continue to recklessly purchase, fly, and frequently crash! Check out my first few product highlights from Align and more below!  Align has been [...]

