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While working on upgrading a friend’s Blade 350QX, he asked to get him that ‘new camera mount’ for his GoPro. A few days later, the Yuneec/Blade GB200 Camera Gimbal came in for me to install. Equipped with 2 brushless motors and mounts for the GoPro and CGo1 sport cameras, this gimbal is plug and play with the Blade 350QX and could even be [...]
Blade 200QX Quadcopter by Horizon Hobby – ReviewIn a RC World where quadcopters are becoming THE thing to pilot, Blade Helicopters took the popular 350QX platform and shrank it. Luckily, there was no movie starring Rick Moranis, but I did get the opportunity to give the 200QX Quadcopter a good test and you can see my thoughts on the aircraft after the jump…
Last week I made a giant step forward: I got myself an RC airplane. Thanks to Ares, their newer P-51 Mustang balances size and power for a nice package for an intermediate flyer. The big question remains: Am I an intermediate pilot? Find out and a few points I learned after the jump…
Hot off the presses via their blog, the guys over at FlyTrex have updated their GPS MultiRotor telemetry system to also provide live data feed straight to their website, making it the first ‘Black Box’ for quadcopters. FlyTrex Live uses a GSM (cell phone data) connection to transmit Speed, Location, Altitude, and Battery Voltage live directly to their website. What makes this [...]
Last week I posted the newest suggested policies the FAA has drafted regarding model aircraft (airplanes, helis, multirotors) and how they can be used for ‘recreation’ as compared to ‘commercial.’ Personally, the rules are not HORRIBLE, but they do go against most of the rules and policies of the AMA, the governing body of model aviation. Being a member of the AMA, I [...]
Granted, having a little extra dilithium in the warp drive is never a bad thing, but knowing how much power is left in your LiPo is more important for pilots (and most for multirotor pilots) just because RC Cars don’t fall from the sky when the batteries die! Above this you see quite the quadcopter wreck. My LHS/Employer has an intern [...]
As of June 25th, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has released their interpretation of special aircraft and first person view (FPV) flight. Above you can see a few of their guidelines, and you can see more on what is or isn’t considered hobby/recreational flight by Reading More…
After my previous article talking about Flytrex Core V2 Multirotor Flight Recorder, my email BLEW UP asking for more! I quickly got my hands on the latest shipment and was able to unbox (or unbag, really), install, and test out this neat chip on my Blade 350QX. Check out the unboxing pics and my experience with it by Reading More…
Ok, I’ll take a page out of Peter Griffin’s book: You know what really grinds my gears? The word ‘drone’. By definition, a drone is a aerial vehicle that does not have a physical pilot on board. When most people think of the word drone (previous to quadcopters), we thought of missile launching gliders flying over the Middle East during ‘Operation: [...]
Selfies are out, people! Trending hotter than the sun, thanks to a Drone-taken picture of Captain Picard himself, Dronies are all the new photography rage on the web. Making a Dronie in 10 Easy Steps: 1.) Grab your quadcopter. May I suggest a Ares QX130, Blade 180QX HD, or LaTrax Alias for those without 350QX or DJI Phantoms You can take your own Dronie like mine above by Reading [...]
After a few weeks of delays, I finally got my hands on the next quadcopter from Blade: the 200QX brushless quadcopter. Built with a frame like the 350QX, this quad is brushless and equipped with the new SAFE system for a powerful, but stable flight performance. Our review will be up in the future but check out the unboxing pictures below! #gallery-3 { margin: auto; } #gallery-3 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: [...]
Father’s Day is right around the corner, and what better way to put a smile on their face than getting them that RC flying machine he’s been looking for. Better yet, get him a ‘drone’ and he’ll be part of the hottest RC craze this year. Either way, I thought that a nice list of fun flying gifts for the [...]
This past weekend was a sad one for me: I attended a small memorial for an Ares QX130 quadcopter. Granted there was ice cream and lots of laughs abound, but I think this tale bears repeating as it does teach a valuable lesson. My cousin was lucky enough to get the quadcopter from ‘Santa’ this past Christmas, but it wasn’t until Chi-beria thawed [...]
What better way to challenge yourself and your piloting skills than earning achievements and sharing your bold and daring exploits with fellow pilots? The guys over at Flytrex have come up with a flight recorder to measure altitude, speed, and other metrics to share with your fellow pilots. For added fun, they also included in their social networking challenges and achievements to [...]
I attended the Suburban AeroClub of Chicago (aka SAC) Memorial Day Float Fly last weekend and checked out all the float plane fun going on. There were planes powered by electric, nitro, and gas and it was fun to watch them fly off the water and sometimes bounce and nose over on landings only to be rescued by boat when [...]