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[To start from the beginning, check out Part 1 and Part 2] The frames are built and the motors and ESCs are installed, and all that remains is one major piece: The Multirotor Control Board. The Multirotor Control Board is the heart and soul of the multirotor vehicle. It maintains level flight, helps equalize motor speeds, and also is the gyroscope for the [...]
Now again I go back to my movie roots by bringing up Cameron Fry in the Sears Tower in Ferris Bueller’s Day Off, but I just had a great weekend playing with my new toy: the Mobius Action Camera. Starting at $80, this device provides 1080p quality video and fits (with room to spare) in the palm of your hand. The above image [...]
Hey Guys, Tomato Sauce here! Missed you last week due to an opportunity to work for a big RC Company, and sadly my carry-on could only carry so much contraband stuff. Lately I have been doing a lot of product spotlights and how-tos, but this week I feel a little Cubby-esque and thought I’d borrow his soapbox. I was enjoying the beautiful [...]
Part 1 of the Mega Multirotor build can be found Right Here. The frames are built, and now it is time to get the right motors and speed controllers for each of our three multirotor setups. Don’t be afraid, with every kit/frame there is available for purchase there are always suggested motor and speed controller combos that go well with that [...]
Recently released for pre-order via EncoreRC, helicopter pilot and designer Bobby Watts has created a new breed of quadcopter, one that does full inverted flight that is not collective pitch (where blade pitch determines throttle’s direction of thrust. This is not a new concept, but this is the first ever production unit of a quadcopter of this kind. The genius behind the Invertix 400 is that [...]
Another week, another fun time here in Raging Rotors! With the DIY and Bind-n-Fly helicopter/multirotor market booming, I am seeing more and more of this question popping up: What is Exponential (aka Expo), and how does it help me?Exponential is more than just another name for a fair or trade show, but is also the relationship between Controller/Transmitter and subsequent [...]
Just this past week HPI Racing released another Micro RS4, this time the black Mustang of Vaughn Gittin, Jr. This kit, like its Sprint2 brother, has both soft and drift tires in the box, and I cannot wait to test my hand in drifting! I hope to have some video up soon, but for now here are some nice unboxing images! More information on the Micro [...]
…Of course I’m serious, and don’ t call me Shirley! Indeed Airplane! is a great movie, but why bring it up, you ask? As both pilots became ill, it was up to Otto Pilot to take control of the plane and fly towards their destination. In the world of multirotors, fully autonomous design is an ideal goal: Amazon wants to deliver local packages, [...]
Hey guys, 3DBill here, reviewing another V-Tail style quad. This one really is versatile just like a SUV when it comes to v-tail quads. The Simplecopter V-Tail can be folded, painted, customized, and comes as a kit for you to build. How does it stack up? Can it hold a camera? Hit the READ MORE button to check it [...]
In this week’s conclusion to ‘Blade Runner’ we discuss an important aspect of multirotor and airplane flight, propeller balancing. Granted an unbalanced propeller doesn’t keep something from flying, but it can cause propeller based failures as well as increased noise due to the blade imperfections. There are two parts to propeller balancing: Horizontal and Vertical Balancing. To start, one needs a [...]
Now that the weather has been better and the first installment of the build project up for your viewing, I started spending time with my Blade 350QX, and couldn’t help but start looking at modifications and changes. Now a new product was released by Xtreme Productions for the 350QX: A 3-bladed prop to replace the stock 2-bladed propeller. Which raises a [...]
Now these past few weeks I’ve been promising a build here on Raging Rotors, and yes I may be a bit overdue. Yet I will not give you one, not two, but THREE build projects in one series. I have gone so crazy to the point where I picked up enough gear to discuss three builds at the same time! [...]
As my picture shows, I am excited this Raging Rotors because I am now eligible to fly at all Offical Academy of Model Aeronautics (AMA) flying fields all over the United States. This membership is good for all pilots looking to fly, for while flying on official fields you are provided with a significant insurance package to protect yourself from accidents [...]
For the humble beginnings of ‘The Path…’ see Part 1 and Part 2. I’ve been buried into some multirotor building that I completely forgot I need to finish what I started here on Raging Rotors; either that or I was half expecting Doug to write it this week after last week (Props to Doug and his great scale/crawler work). As we come [...]
…There we go…Now that I have your undivided attention… Yes you did read right! Our friends over at HPI Racing have opened a new sub-site called the HPI Garage. This site is built to help you keep track of the HPI cars you own as well as being a repository of information regarding parts, hop ups, and forum links related to your HPI vehicles. By [...]