For Bashers, By Bashers!
RPM RC Products

BigSquidRC Road Trip – RPM RC Products

RPM RC Products
It would be difficult to find a more iconic name for basher parts than RPM RC Products. For years the RPM crew has been making ultra tough plastic parts to give bashers more time driving, and less time wrenching. When you look around the BSRC offices nearly every one of our “personal vehicles” has RPM parts all over it.

RPM is based out of Southern California, so while in the area we were lucky enough to get to spend some time with them.

RPM is extremely proud that all their parts are made right here in the USA. They are set-up to design, make the molds, and actually produce their famous plastic parts entirely under one roof. Also of note, while most of their parts go out the door under the RPM logo, they also do OEM work for some “famous” rc names. If you are an rc company needing some plastic parts made, it might be worth your time to give RPM a ring.

Along with Brian, we were most struck by the pure passion shown around the RPM offices. They eat, sleep, and breathe, making the highest quality parts possible, and that a lot of heart and soul goes into every single product they make. The RPM crew is hardcore about getting the design perfect, the molds perfect, and ultimately, the best plastic upgrade parts you can put on your bash machine.

We would like to say “Thank You!” to Richard, Atticus and the entire crew at RPM, we learned so much about the fine art of making plastic parts, and about the rc industry as a whole. The folks over at RPM are good people, give them your support whenever you can.

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Posted by in Big Squid RC, RPM on Friday, May 9th, 2014 at 12:33 pm

