For Bashers, By Bashers!
Bittydesign 28th Kyosho Mini-Z Clear Bodies

Bittydesign Announces 3 New 1/28th Mini-Z Clear Bodies

Over at Bittydesign they have just dropped 3 New 1/28th Mini-Z Clear Bodies. With three styles to choose from, it’s easy to pick on that suits your build, and all three are absolutely gorgeous, ensuring a hot look after painting. Check out these highlights-

* Original and authentic Bittydesign Engineering design
* Sized to fit 1/28th Mini-Z cars
* Also fits micro scalers with a 98mm wheelbase
* Molded from high quality polycarbonate, 0.8mm thick
* Comes with wing mounting hardware
* Overspray protection
* Pre-cut decal sheet
* Protective window masks
* ARES-1 – Supercar styling #BDMZ-AS1
* Eptron – Touring car styling #BDMZ-ETR
* CA45 – FWD styling #BDMZ-CA45

You can use this link to get full details on the Bittydesign 1/28th Mini-Z Clear Bodies, or you can Click This Link to get more Bittydesign news on Big Squid RC.


Post Info

Posted by in New Products on Monday, December 11th, 2023 at 5:53 pm

