Bittydesign Pre-painted Falcon-X Body for the Traxxas UDR
The crew at Bittydesign have announced a Pre-painted Falcon-X Body for the Traxxas UDR. The Falcon-X is a bolt on body for the UDR, with this version coming fully pre-painted to save you time and mess. Here are the highlights-
* Designed specifically to fit the Traxxas UDR 1/7 chassis
* Molded from genuine 1.5mm thick Lexan
* Specs: length 670mm, width 367mm, height 198mm
* Wheelbase: 420mm
* Sold pre-painted and pre-cut with protective outer film
* Pre-cut decal sheet and side plates for the race numbers
The Bittydesign Pre-painted Falcon-X Body has a part number of #BDTRX7-FLCX-PP and is street priced at €129 (around $135).
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