For Bashers, By Bashers!
Blade Theory Type W Team Edition

Blade Theory Type W Team Edition

Are you like Ricky Bobby and just wanna go fast? If so, the new Theory Type W Team Edition BNF Basic from Blade RC should be right down your alley. The Theory Type W is also known as “Black Lightning” for its speed and maneuverability, watch the Dub-Step-Cubby approved video below to see just how fast!

* Designed for pro-level FPV wing pilots
* New black EPP foam construction is extra durable
* Powerful 2206-2450Kv brushless motor, 4S capable
* Fully-integrated flight components
* Electronic AS3X stabilization technology
* SAFE technology for even greater stability
* Variable-power video transmitter
* Easy to transport with click-in wings and servo plug-ins

Street pricing for the Team Edition Theory Type W is $299 and it has a part number of #BLH03045. Hit up This Link for full details, or Click Here to read more Blade RC news on Big Squid.


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Posted by in New Products on Friday, March 9th, 2018 at 11:46 am

