For Bashers, By Bashers!

You are browsing the "Baja 5SC" category archive.

Kit builders rejoice, HPI Baja 5SC SS kit

RTR Sucks.  I said it, and I don’t feel bad for saying it.  So any time I hear of a kit version of any vehicle being released I jump for joy.  HPI has long been cool about releasing their Baja 5 line as a kit version, so their new Baja 5SC SS comes as no surprise.  Just like all the [...]


HPI Racing Baja 5SC

Leave it to HPI to get my 5th scale juices flowing again! They just announced the new Baja 5SC. A 1/5th scale short course truck based on the Baja series of vehicles! It comes with a 2.4ghz radio and the 26cc Fuelie engine that will get your giant short course truck up to 40mph! Click through [...]

