For Bashers, By Bashers!

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arrma granite

Big Squid RC 2012 Bash Vehicle of the Year!

Around the end of November a buzz starts to happen around the office. People start chatting, discussing, then arguing about what vehicles should be considered for our “BASH VEHICLE of the YEAR” award. This years decision was EXTREMELY close. Last years winner, the Thunder Tiger MT4 was a little easier to settle on, but this year there were two standouts. [...]


review update

Huge Review Page Update!

We just updated our Review Page with a TON of previous posts! For those that don’t check daily, our review page is a great place to catch up on our thoughts of what’s worth your hard earned money! Thinking about buying a new short course, quad, or charger? We have you covered! This update consisted of the following reviews: Traxxas [...]


big squid rc group christmas

Updated Merry Christmas From the RC Industry

Sadly, I believe we deleted a few, and there are several that showed up in our snail mail box that I’m afraid we are too lazy to scan in, but here is some holiday cheer from the RC industry that has been sent our way. Enjoy! #gallery-1 { margin: auto; } #gallery-1 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 33%; } #gallery-1 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-1 [...]


big squid rc group christmas

Merry Christmas!

From our family to all of yours, have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Hopefully everyone finds at least one RC related item under their tree, and gets in some bash time over their holiday break. If you aren’t sure about what to give someone for the holiday, consider something RC related. Think of the kids face, or [...]


BigSquidRC Live

BigSquidRC Live Tonight at 9 PM CST

Here is a reminder that tonight the second edition of our BigSquidRC Live show starts at 9 PM CST. On tonight’s show we will be discussing some of the biggest rc news of the week, talking about your comments, announcing a new Basher Approved award, and then giving away a brand new Durango truck live on the broadcast. To join [...]


BSRC Bash Crew at iHobby 2012

Today Is The Day!

If you want to see something you’ve never seen in the rc world before, tune in tonight at 10 pm CST to our front page. 🙂 Tonight is a big night for us and we hope you join us. Starting tonight at 9 pm CST, take a look at our front page, there you will find a new post revealing what [...]


Mystery Vehicle Contest – Week 12 Winner!

Our final giveaway vehicle in the


Mystery Vehicle Contest, Week 12 Entries!

This is it! Our last week of the Dozen Mystery Vehicles Contest! I’d like to thank everyone that has participated in the past 11 weeks! The contests were fun, and a great way to help give back to the readers! We gave away one new vehicle a week for 12 weeks! The vehicles may by nitro or electric and are from the [...]


Mystery Vehicle Contest – Week 11 Winner!

We have our 11th of 12 Winners in the


Mystery Vehicle 11 Entries – Quick Pics

People have been emailing in asking what some of the submissions are looking like for the Mystery Vehicle Contest, so I thought I’d grab a few and post them up for people to see. We have gotten a ton of great pics, these are just some random ones I grabbed. Remember.. it’s not a contest of who has the [...]


Mystery Vehicle Contest, Week 11 Entries!

We are mixing it up this week for the Mystery Vehicle Giveaway, so PLEASE READ THE NEW RULES below. If you have not heard, we are giving away a Dozen Mystery Vehicles! One a Week for 12 weeks! The vehicles may by nitro or electric and are from the following companies: ARRMA RC, Team Durango, Duratrax, and Thunder Tiger! Since [...]


Huge Review Section Update!

For those of you who don’t catch our reviews when they get posted to the front page, our REVIEW SECTION has had a huge update! We have recently added the following reviews: Durango DESC210 RTR Short Course Truck, Atomik Metal Mulisha Brian Deegan 1/18 Short Course, Durango DEX210 RTR Buggy, TrakPower 2S 5400 Saddle Pack, Duratrax 835B 1/8 Nitro Buggy, a ton of ST Racing Concepts [...]


thunder tiger xb

Mystery Vehicle Contest – Week 10 Winner!

We have our 10th of 12 Winners in the


Mystery Vehicle Contest, Week 10 Entries!

Listen up Squid Fans! It’s time for week 10 contest entries!! We are looking for a little input this time for your entry, so PLEASE READ THE NEW RULES below. If you have not heard, we are giving away a Dozen Mystery Vehicles! One a Week for 12 weeks! The vehicles may by nitro or electric and are from the following [...]


arrma mojave

Mystery Vehicle Contest – Week 9 Winner!

We have our 9th of 12 Winners in the

