For Bashers, By Bashers!

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Dozen Mystery Vehicle Contest – Daily Entry Post – Week …

Week 4 Day 7. Today is the final day for signups for our WEEK 4 Giveaway! You have till 8pm cst. so get those entries in. If you have not heard, we are giving away a Dozen Mystery Vehicles! One a Week for the next 12 weeks! The vehicles may by nitro or electric and are from the following companies: [...]


Dozen Mystery Vehicle Contest – Daily Entry Post – Week …

Week 4 Day 6. Just 2 days left to get your entry in for this week! If you have not heard, we are giving away a Dozen Mystery Vehicles! One a Week for the next 12 weeks! The vehicles may by nitro or electric and are from the following companies: ARRMA RC, Team Durango, Duratrax, and Thunder Tiger! Please read [...]


Dozen Mystery Vehicle Contest – Daily Entry Post – Week …

Week 4 Day 5. Day 5! Little late on the start today, keeping you guys on your toes! If you have not heard, we are giving away a Dozen Mystery Vehicles! One a Week for the next 12 weeks! The vehicles may by nitro or electric and are from the following companies: ARRMA RC, Team Durango, Duratrax, and Thunder Tiger! [...]


Pro-Line Contest Reminder!

Just a reminder that we have more than one contest going on around here.. (yes we are that crazy!) Not only do we have the Mystery Vehicle Contest, but we have the Pro-Line ‘Short Course Prize Pack with Possible Custom Surprise Body Contest‘ So here’s the deal, we have the following awesome prize package! 1 Pro-Line Pit Mat 1 set of Pro-Line [...]


Dozen Mystery Vehicle Contest – Daily Entry Post – Week …

Week 4 Day 4. It’s FRIDAY! So if your one of those people who don’t have net access over the weekend, you better get your entries in! If you have not heard, we are giving away a Dozen Mystery Vehicles! One a Week for the next 12 weeks! The vehicles may by nitro or electric and are from the following companies: [...]


Dozen Mystery Vehicle Contest – Daily Entry Post – Week …

Week 4 Day 3. Here we are mid week, have you got your entries in yet?! If you have not heard, we are giving away a Dozen Mystery Vehicles! One a Week for the next 12 weeks! The vehicles may by nitro or electric and are from the following companies: ARRMA RC, Team Durango, Duratrax, and Thunder Tiger! Please read the [...]


Dozen Mystery Vehicle Contest – Daily Entry Post – Week …

Week 4 Day 2. Yep.. time to signup again! You guys are getting really good at this! I’m guessing the fact that we just gave away a $600 truck has you on your toes now!! If you have not heard, we are giving away a Dozen Mystery Vehicles! One a Week for the next 12 weeks! The vehicles may by nitro [...]


The 2WD Monster Truck Shootout is Ready!

We have been working hard on this one for a while! The 2WD Monster Truck Shootout is finally completed and ready for your reading pleasure! We get a TON of emails asking us what truck is better, and which one someone should buy. We decided to take some time and actually put them all to the test! Unlike those ‘advertisement’ [...]


Dozen Mystery Vehicle Contest – Daily Entry Post – Week …

Week 4 Day 1. If you didn’t see it, we just gave away a Thunder Tiger MT4 for week 3’s contest! How awesome is this contest? Time to start off this weeks contest! If you have not heard, we are giving away a Dozen Mystery Vehicles! One a Week for the next 12 weeks! The vehicles may by nitro or electric [...]


thunder tiger mt4 contest

Dozen Mystery Vehicle Contest – Week 3 Winner!

We have our THIRD of 12 Winners in the Dozen Mystery Vehicle Contest!! The official winner is Jason Skow!! (jandcskow@)You have won a brand new Thunder Tiger MT4! That’s right! The Big Squid RC Bash Vehicle of the Year! An email has been sent to get your info and color choice! For those few people who didn’t want to [...]


Dozen Mystery Vehicle Contest – Daily Entry Post – Week …

Week 3 Day 7. It’s Labor Day! It’s also the final sign up day for the week 3 giveaway contest!!! So hurry up and get your last chance in! If you have not heard, we are giving away a Dozen Mystery Vehicles! One a Week for the next 12 weeks! The vehicles may by nitro or electric and are from the following [...]


Dozen Mystery Vehicle Contest – Daily Entry Post – Week …

Week 3 Day 6. Last day of the weekend, not including the holiday! If you have not heard, we are giving away a Dozen Mystery Vehicles! One a Week for the next 12 weeks! The vehicles may by nitro or electric and are from the following companies: ARRMA RC, Team Durango, Duratrax, and Thunder Tiger! Please read the OFFICIAL RULES, so [...]


Dozen Mystery Vehicle Contest – Daily Entry Post – Week …

Week 3 Day 5. It’s the beginning of a long weekend! Get in those entries! If you have not heard, we are giving away a Dozen Mystery Vehicles! One a Week for the next 12 weeks! The vehicles may by nitro or electric and are from the following companies: ARRMA RC, Team Durango, Duratrax, and Thunder Tiger! Please read the OFFICIAL [...]


Dozen Mystery Vehicle Contest – Daily Entry Post – Week …

Week 3 Day 4. It’s Day 4 and Friday! Friday, you got to sign up on Friday. (Ok.. I don’t miss that song either) If you have not heard, we are giving away a Dozen Mystery Vehicles! One a Week for the next 12 weeks! The vehicles may by nitro or electric and are from the following companies: ARRMA RC, Team [...]


Dozen Mystery Vehicle Contest – Daily Entry Post – Week …

Week 3 Day 3. Already day 3, I hope you are getting your daily entries in! The more you enter, the better chances you have! If you have not heard, we are giving away a Dozen Mystery Vehicles! One a Week for the next 12 weeks! The vehicles may by nitro or electric and are from the following companies: ARRMA RC, [...]

