For Bashers, By Bashers!

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Li-Po Battery Shoot Out Ramping Up!

I believe Cubby mentioned it a few days ago. We are starting to receive some new Li-Po battery packs for our first ever battery shoot out! I’m really excited about this! We hope to be able to answer a lot of those questions/emails we get all the time like, What LiPo battery is the best in my rc vehicle? or [...]


Don’t Call it a Comeback!

First post from the new internet connection. Looks like the inbox has about 100+ emails! Yikes. Hopefully some good RC news in there as well.. the RC news world seemed slow.. but I’m guessing that’s because we were not reporting it. 🙂 Anyway.. time to read some mail and post some news! Thanks for your patience.


Almost back!

Hey All, Waiting on our internet connection install! 🙁 Rumor has it, we will be back up in a day or so. The move to the new office didn’t go as smooth as we would of liked which caused the internet guy end up being rescheduled.. and of course they couldn’t do it the next day. So hang tight [...]


THE Cub Report, 05.31.09, Version- Waynes World

Very slow week news wise in our industry, so… Lucas Oil. Seen the new stadium in Indy? Watch AMA motocross, where Lucas Oil is the title sponsor? What about the Lucas Oil Off Road Racing Series, where Associated is the exclusive rc car of the series? I don’t know anything about Lucas Oil, but sometimes I think they have Shawn Palmer [...]


Have RC Vehicles… Will Travel!

Just a quick heads up to let people know that the Big Squid RC headquarters is moving! We are growing leaps and bounds, and really just ran out of space! The new location should allow for a lot more controlled testing with more space and workshop area. (Once we get the workshop built.. are you [...]


The Need for Speed (RC Style)

My name is Nick and I have been involved in R/C cars for 20 years now. I grew up in the suburbs of Chicago. I’m a die-hard electric off-road fan. From 1989-1999 I raced 1/10 electric off-road with the occasional nitro. From 1999-2003 I attended college and didn’t have time for r/c cars so I could concentrate on school. [...]


Hi Everyone

Hi Big Squid RC! My name is Jason and I have been in this hobby since the early 80’s. My current collection of cars vary from a Savage X SS to a Losi 8ight-T 2.0. All in all I have over 10 RC cars a couple helicopters and a few planes. I race almost every weekend at our local [...]


Hello World!

Hello Big Squid RC world! My name is Chris, but I’m better known in the RC world as Roketmini or Roketcooper. I’m a 17 year old finishing up my Junior year of High school, but don’t think that because I’m a young’un I don’t know much. RC has been in my life for a good 6 years. I’ve also [...]


More RC Writers Needed!

Do you hang out in the forums? Stay on top of the latest and greatest RC news? Have an ability to use the English language? Have access to photoshop or some other picture editor? Then we need you! We have been bringing on new people, but are still growing so fast, we need more! Michael has been [...]


Congrats Michael!

A big congratulations to one of our own writers, Mike H. who’s wife just had a bouncing baby basher! Welcome Joseph Allen, to the world of RC! Wonder if his first vehicle will be a mini slash! 🙂 Congrats guys! Get some sleep! Hehe..


2009 Contest Update

Hey All, we are a little late getting to the 2009 Big Squid RC Contest. Sorry about that! We are waiting to get all the prizes in so we can officially update the contest page. Trust me when I say it’s going to be worth the wait! In the meantime, keep sending in those Fan Pictures so you can [...]


Slow News Day, Now with Updated Links!

Wow, we haven’t had a news day this slow in a while… so if anyone has any news, feel free to send it my way! I recently got an email from a friend of ours asking why we haven’t added his link yet, and it was kinda funny because I was sure I added his link when I updated the [...]


Thank You Cubby!

Ok, someone remind me to take away his keys and photoshop! Hope some readers got a few good laughs.. we got a few entertaining emails about it ourselves. We will now return you to the regularly scheduled RC Bashing News!


Bash-A-Palooza 2009 Gets a Date!

Mark those calendars! This years Bash-A-Palooza event has a date! I just got off the phone with our good friend Scott from Leisure Hours and right now we are looking at August 16th, 2009! If you are in the area, you may want to start planning the road trip. It’s a little later in the year this time, hopefully we won’t [...]


Are We Live? YEAH!

I apologize for your lack of RC news for the last day or so. Our ISP server took a big crash taking out about 30 sites that they host. 🙁 I’m glad to say we are back up and running, but lost a few news stories in that time. Doing our best to get them back up, and get [...]

